Course Catalog

Political Science (BA)

Program Requirements:

All majors are required to take introductory courses in each of the four subfields of political science:

POLS 101Introduction to American Politics


POLS 102Introduction to International Politics


POLS 103The Nature of Politics


POLS 104Introduction to Comparative Politics


Students must also take four POLS electives.

To complete the capstone requirement, students must either take:
• One POLS 300-level course in a subfield of Political Science (junior or senior year)
• Complete a Senior Honors Thesis

A student who has received a 4 or 5 on AP exams in American Government and/or Comparative Politics has fulfilled the introductory course requirement for POLS 101 and/or POLS 104. Transferred AP credits on either, or both, exam(s) may be counted toward a Political Science major.