Course Catalog

Accelerated Degree Programs

There are three accelerated degree options that allow a student to pursue a graduate degree in Nutrition and Health Promotion after completing their BS in Nutrition, Exercise Science or Public Health;these are the Nutrition (BS)/Nutrition and Health Promotion (MS): 4 + 1 Program, the Exercise Science (BS)/Nutrition and Health Promotion (MS): 4 + 1 Program and the the Public Health (BS)/Nutrition and Health Promotion (MS): 4 + 1 Program.  Please visit the Simmons University website to view the Nutrition Catalog for graduate requirements. Students may apply to the joint programs during their second semester junior year. Formal application should be made through the Nutrition Department. The application requirements for all three programs are as follows:

  • The student must be earning a BS degree, have completed the prerequisites for the MS degree, and be in their junior year of their BS.
  • The student must have maintained satisfactory academic progress in their coursework and attained a final minimum GPA of 3.3 at the time of their application (GPA usually through their fall semester of their junior year).
  • The student must show strong evidence of communication skills and motivation.
  • The Student must present two favorable letters of recommendation from Simmons University faculty members; at least one must be from a full time faculty member in the department of their major.
  • In order for an accepted student to continue with the program after her/his senior year (UG), she/he must meet the following academic standards her/his senior year.
  • Have maintained satisfactory academic progress in coursework through the Spring semester of her/his senior year and attained a final undergraduate minimum GPA of 3.3 upon graduation (including spring semester grades)
  • Have met the MS in Nutrition and Health Promotion requirement of attaining a minimum of a B in each of the graduate courses taken as part of the program during her/his senior year. Specific criteria for each program are listed below.