Course Catalog

Interdepartmental and Double Majors

Many opportunities exist for students who wish to combine courses in history with courses offered by another department. For example, a student may propose an interdepartmental major in European studies or a double major such as history and secondary education. Other fields that lend themselves to such combinations with history are Africana studies, arts administration, communications, economics, English, modern languages and literatures, philosophy, political science, sociology, and women’s and gender studies. This list is not intended to be restrictive; at the student’s initiative, combinations with any department will be evaluated as a possible basis of a major. Another possible combination permits fulfilling requirements for the BA/Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree (see the requirements under Department of Education). Although the ordinary expectation is that the MAT requires a fifth year of courses, with careful planning and effective advisement, that time may be shortened. Two seminars taken in the senior year may fulfill two requirements for the MA in history or for the history/archives management dual degree master’s. We encourage students to discuss possible plans for study as early as possible with an advisor in the history department.