Course Catalog

Biochemistry (BS)

The major in biochemistry is jointly administered by the departments of biology and chemistry and is approved by the American Chemical Society. The rapidly growing field of biochemistry involves the application of biological and chemical concepts and techniques to the understanding of life processes such as the determination of hereditary traits, utilization of energy, propagation of nerve signals, and the molecular basis of physiological and pharmacological phenomena. Biochemists are involved in agriculture, medical research, biotechnology, nutritional research, and other areas at the interface of chemistry and biology.

Students majoring in biochemistry will be well equipped for professions in research and industry, as well as the pursuit of graduate study in biochemistry, medicine, genetics, and other related fields. The program consists of a core of chemistry and biology courses beginning in the first year and continuing for the first three years, a choice of two 300-level elective courses in chemistry and/or biology, and a one-year independent study project culminating in a thesis. In addition, there are six prerequisite courses in biology, chemistry, calculus, and physics. The following list of requirements includes both the core and the prerequisite courses. A student may find it convenient to take MATH 120 and/or MATH 121 during the summer. MATH 123 or BC Calculus AP is the equivalent of MATH 120 + MATH 121, for students who completed AP Calculus in High School. The advanced biochemistry lab, CHEM 347, provides an opportunity to learn more advanced techniques in biotechnology in a fully research integrated environment.

ACS Certified Major in Biochemistry

First Year

BIOL 113General Biology



BIOL 115Advanced General Biology


CHEM 113Principles of Chemistry


CHEM 216 General & Quantitative Chemistry II


MATH 120Calculus I


Sophomore Year

BIOL 225Cell Biology


CHEM 224Organic Chemistry I


CHEM 225Organic Chemistry II


PHYS 112Fundamentals of Physics I


PHYS 113Fundamentals of Physics II


Junior Year

BIOL 337Molecular Biology


CHEM 331Thermodynamics & Kinetics


CHEM 345Biochemistry


A 300-level elective in biology or chemistry

Senior Year

A 300-level elective in biology or chemistry

Biochemistry majors do their independent study research either in chemistry with a thesis and an oral defense or in biology.

CHEM 355Independent Study with Thesis



BIOL 350Independent Laboratory Research


If registered for CHEM 355, biochemistry majors must also register for CHEM 390 Chemistry Seminar.

To meet the ACS standards described above under chemistry major, biochemistry majors must include two additional 300-level chemistry electives chosen from

CHEM 248Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry