Course Catalog

BIOL 231 Anatomy and Physiology I

Presents an integrated approach to the fundamental facts and concepts of human anatomy and physiology. Examines the constituents of the human body through investigation of tissue types and histology, with further emphasis on skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems, and endocrine control. Laboratory includes histology, gross anatomy, dissection, and physiological experiments.




Required BIOL-113 BIOL-218, BIOL-246, or BIOL-221 CHEM-111 or CHEM-113 CHEM-112 or CHEM-114 OR BIOL-123N or BIOL-113 CHEM-110, CHEM-111, or CHEM-113 OR BIOL-115 and CHEM-115 Required Take BIOL-231L

Course Type