Course Catalog

Accessibility Services

At Simmons University, we are committed to the full participation of all students in our programs and activities. Simmons University is mandated by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 to provide equal access to facilities, educational and co-curricular programs, campus activities and employment opportunities to qualified individuals with disabilities.

The Office of Accessibility Services at Simmons University is a strategy-based service that supports students in their academic endeavors both on the ground and online. Students registered with OAS must adhere to the same academic and community standards as all Simmons University students. A student’s initial connection and ongoing interaction with OAS is self-propelled.

  • All students with a documented diagnosis that substantially limits a major life activity, such as learning, hearing, seeing, reading, walking, and speaking are eligible to register with the OAS and request academic accommodations.
  • Students who are exploring a diagnosis or who are considering use of services are also welcome to visit the OAS to review the offerings and services available as well as registration requirements.
  • Documentation of a diagnosis/disability is not required when applying to the University and is submitted to OAS after the student accepts their place at the University.
  • Accommodations are not intended to guarantee success; they are intended to provide equal access to the educational experience (classroom, field, clinical, field trips) to ensure that students may display their level of learning.
  • Students are eligible to receive services/accommodations only after documentation is received, reviewed, and approved by OAS professional staff.
  • Commonly requested academic accommodations include Extended Time for Testing, Use of the OAS Testing Center, Note Provision Assistance, Alternate/Electronic Texts and Materials, and Student/OAS Staff 1:1 meetings.
  • Following a student’s first meeting with an OAS staff member, the student may make their own appointments, which are recommended, but never required.
  • Outreach by OAS staff to faculty and parents is generated ONLY by a student’s written request.
  • Diagnosis/disability-related information is confidential and is not shared without a student’s permission.

OAS is not a comprehensive special education program. Students’ coursework is not shared with or linked to the OAS. OAS does not offer special education tutors or life coaches for social skills and acclimation.

Office of Accessibility Services, Center for Student Success: Email: Tel: (617)-521-2492.