Course Catalog

SNHS 429 Holistic Healthcare

"Holistic Health Care: Integrating Art and Science for a Caring Environment" is a fully on-line course designed for all caregivers, including (but not limited to) nurses, therapists, social workers, clergy and physicians. This course will help you: * Expand an understanding of holistic practice and your role as an instrument of healing. * Develop caring-healing interventions which will guide you in the art and science of a holistic approach to patient care. * Explore new and emerging body-mind modalities including relaxation, guided imagery, biofeedback, meditation, therapeutic touch, spiritual healing, plus others. Course activities include: * Weekly discussions with colleagues from a variety of disciplines and practices * Projects designed to facilitate the experience different types of holistic interventions. Both new and experienced practitioners will benefit by an increased awareness of these emerging modalities for a caring patient environment.



