LIS 505N Cyber Security & Information Literacy

This course will explore issues of online privacy and security in relation to higher education and give librarians the tools and understanding to protect their own and their patron's identities and information. The course will begin by framing online privacy and security within the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy, identifying the roles and responsibilities of academic librarians to address these issues in the context of library instruction. Students will analyze the issue from the perspectives of both information professionals and private citizens, including considering questions such as: What kinds of information are we creating and retaining about ourselves and our users? What are the implications if we ask our users to interact with us through social media, either as part of class instruction or as "friends?" How well do our patrons understand issues of privacy and security, and their own rights as they post and share information online? The course will include specific attention to cyberethics and issues of digital citizenship, or the roles and responsibilities of individuals as they create and share information and engage with each other in a digital environment, and will address potential hazards and traps such as accessing contraband materials, engaging in microaggressions, and violating copyright.



