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Graduate Course Catalog
Graduate Courses
LIS - Library Science
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Programs of Study
Graduate Courses
AADM - Arts Administration
ACCT - Accounting
ADM - Administrative Credits
AMS - American Studies
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
AST - Africana Studies
BEHV - Behavior Analysis
BEHVO - Behavioral Analysis Online
BIOL - Biology
BUS - Business
CDM - Certificate in Diversity Mgmt.
CHEM - Chemistry
CHL - Children's Lit.
CI - Competitive Intelligence
COMM - Communications
CS - Computer Science
DABA - Doctorate of ABA
DEDL - Educ. Leadership Doctoral Prog
DEDU - Doctor of Philosophy in Educ.
DPT - Doctor of Physical Therapy
EAS - East Asian Studies
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
EXSC - Exercise Science
FREN - French
GCS - Gender Cultural Studies
GEDUC - Grad General Educ
GENC - Certificate in Genetics
HCA - Health Care Administration
HEBR - Hebrew College
HIST - History
HON - Honors Courses
HPED - CAGS Health Professions Educ
HUM - Humanities
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INRL - Intl Relations
IT - InformationTechnology
JAPN - Japanese
LIS - Library Science
LIS 500
LIS 500T
LIS 501
LIS 502
LIS 503
LIS 503P
LIS 505
LIS 505A
LIS 505B
LIS 505C
LIS 505D
LIS 505E
LIS 505F
LIS 505G
LIS 505H
LIS 505I
LIS 505J
LIS 505K
LIS 505L
LIS 505M
LIS 505N
LIS 505T
LIS 505W
LIS 512
LIS 520M
LIS 520T
LIS 530P
LIS 531G
LIS 531K
LIS 531L
LIS 531Z
LIS 532C
LIS 532E
LIS 532F
LIS 532H
LIS 532I
LIS 532J
LIS 532K
LIS 532L
LIS 532M
LIS 532N
LIS 532O
LIS 532P
LIS 532Q
LIS 532R
LIS 532S
LIS 532T
LIS 532U
LIS 532V
LIS 532X
LIS 532Y
LIS 533A
LIS 533B
LIS 535
LIS 540A
LIS 540B
LIS 540C
LIS 540D
LIS 540E
LIS 540F
LIS 540G
LIS 540H
LIS 540J
LIS 540K
LIS 540L
LIS 540M
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LIS 540P
LIS 540Q
LIS 540W
LIS 541W
LIS 542W
LIS 543W
LIS 544W
LIS 545W
LIS 546W
LIS 547W
LIS 548W
LIS 549W
LIS 550
LIS 550W
LIS 551W
LIS 552W
LIS 553W
LIS 554W
LIS 556W
LIS 557W
LIS 559W
LIS 560W
LIS 563W
LIS 564W
LIS 567W
LIS 568W
LIS 569W
LIS 570W
LIS 571W
LIS 572W
LIS 573W
LIS 574W
LIS 575W
LIS 576W
LIS 579W
LIS 581W
LIS 585W
LIS 586W
LIS 588W
LIS 589W
LIS 590W
LIS 591W
LIS 592W
LIS 593D
LIS 593W
LIS 594W
LIS 595W
LIS 596W
LIS 597A
LIS 597B
LIS 597C
LIS 597D
LIS 597E
LIS 597F
LIS 597G
LIS 597H
LIS 597I
LIS 597J
LIS 597K
LIS 597L
LIS 597M
LIS 597N
LIS 597O
LIS 597P
LIS 597Q
LIS 597R
LIS 597S
LIS 597T
LIS 597U
LIS 597V
LIS 597W
LIS 597X
LIS 597Y
LIS 597Z
LIS 598A
LIS 598B
LIS 598C
LIS 598D
LIS 598E
LIS 598F
LIS 598G
LIS 598H
LIS 598I
LIS 598J
LIS 598K
LIS 598L
LIS 598M
LIS 598N
LIS 598O
LIS 598P
LIS 598Q
LIS 598R
LIS 598S
LIS 598T
LIS 598U
LIS 598V
LIS 598W
LIS 598X
LIS 598Y
LIS 598Z
LIS 599A
LIS 599B
LIS 599C
LIS 599D
LIS 599E
LIS 599F
LIS 599G
LIS 599H
LIS 599I
LIS 599J
LIS 599K
LIS 599M
LIS 599N
LIS 599O
LIS 599P
LSCI - Library Science
MATH - Mathematics
MBAH - MBA in Health Care
MBAHO - Health Care MBA Online
MBAOI - Mbao and Mbaho Intensive Crse
MBAO - MBA Online
MCM - Master in Communications Mgt
MGMT - Management
MHEO - Public Health Online
ML - Modern Languages
MPP - Public Policy
MSMG - Master of Science-Management
MTHED - Math Education
MUS - Music
NURP - Nursing Practice
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OL - On Line Orientation
PHIL - Philosophy
PH - Public Health
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
PT - Physical Therapy
RDG - Reading: Lang.& Lit. Program
SA - Study Abroad
SNHS - School Nursing & Health Science
SOCI - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPND - Special Needs Educ
STAT - Statistics
SWO - Social Work Online
SW - Social Work
TESL - Grad Esl Education
WGST - Women's & Gender Studies
WST - Women's Studies
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LIS 500
Independent Study
LIS 500T
Program Costs: Rwanda
LIS 501
Internship in Library & Information Science
LIS 502
Archives Field Study
LIS 503
Cultural Heritage Field Study
LIS 503P
Open Access and Scholarly Communication
LIS 505
Special Topics: the Recordkeeping World International Perspectives on Managing Archives and Records
LIS 505A
LIS 505B
Readers Advisory
LIS 505C
LIS 505D
Multiple Literacies
LIS 505E
Race and Racism
LIS 505F
Digital Humanities
LIS 505G
Library Advocacy
LIS 505H
LIS 505I
Middle East Librarianship
LIS 505J
Radical Librarianship: Critical Theory & Praxis
LIS 505K
Library Test Kitchen At Simmons
LIS 505L
Introduction to Social Network Analysis
LIS 505M
Government Archives
LIS 505N
Cyber Security & Information Literacy
LIS 505T
Program Costs: Rwanda
LIS 505W
Special Topics - WISE
LIS 512
Advanced Field Experience in Library and Information Science
LIS 520M
Education & Optimism in Rwanda
LIS 520T
STC Program Costs Rwanda
LIS 530P
Open Access & Scholarly Communication
LIS 531G
Web Development and Information Architecture
LIS 531K
Archiving and Preserving Digital Media
LIS 531L
Library Programs and Services for Young Adults
International Librarianship: Nicaragua
STC Travel Costs: Nicaragua
LIS 531Z
Data Interoperability & Web-Based Resources
LIS 532C
History of Libraries
LIS 532E
Archives & Cultural Heritage Outreach
LIS 532F
Digital Asset Management for Libraries, Archives & Museums
LIS 532H
School Library Programs and Services
LIS 532I
Sites of History
LIS 532J
Introduction to Programming
LIS 532K
Theories of Information Science
LIS 532L
Curriculum & Instructional Strategies For the School Library Teacher
LIS 532M
School Library Teacher Pre-Practicum Field Experience
LIS 532N
Advanced Information Sources and Service
LIS 532O
Planning and Evaluation
LIS 532P
Intersectionality, Technology and the Information Professions
LIS 532Q
Museum Studies
LIS 532R
Readers' Advisory & Popular Culture Tren
LIS 532S
Foundations of Interprofessional Informationist (ipi) Practice
LIS 532T
Health and Biomedical Informatics
LIS 532U
Scientific Research Data Management
LIS 532V
Collaboration and Leadership
LIS 532X
IPI Capstone I
LIS 532Y
IPI Capstone II
LIS 533A
Decentering Whiteness in Library & Information Science
LIS 533B
Crisis Management & Rapid Response in Libraries
LIS 535
Sem. in Public History: Sites of History
LIS 540A
Applied Economics for Information_Managers
LIS 540B
From Seuss to Sendak to Sis
LIS 540C
Fantasy and Speculative Fiction
LIS 540D
Information Industry Strategies
LIS 540E
Managing Information Systems Projects
LIS 540F
Human Interaction With Computers
LIS 540G
Audio & Visual Info Sources
LIS 540H
Globalization & the Info Society
LIS 540J
Health Consumer Info Sources
LIS 540K
Info Inquiry for K-12 Teacher
LIS 540L
Managing Info Systems
LIS 540M
Marketing and PR for LIB
LIS 540N
Elec. Mat. Child. & Y. Adult
LIS 540O
Electronic Publishing
LIS 540P
Information Environments
LIS 540Q
Organizational Info. Security
LIS 540W
Organizational Info. Security
LIS 541W
Motivational Aspects of Information Use
LIS 542W
Female Voices in Historical Narratives
LIS 543W
Poetry for Children & Young Adults
LIS 544W
Theological Librarianship
LIS 545W
Information Use
LIS 546W
Managing Information Systems Projects
LIS 547W
Creating & Managing Info Sys.
LIS 548W
Human Resources Management
LIS 549W
Information Seeking & Using:_Understanding How Young People Use_Electronic Information
LIS 550
GSLIS - Education Abroad
LIS 550W
Leadership Issues in Mgmt
LIS 551W
Wise Libraries: Designing Public_Libraries of the Future
LIS 552W
Intrduction to Info Security
LIS 553W
Archival Outreach: Prgm & Ser
LIS 554W
Feminism, Librarianship & Information
LIS 556W
Legal Issues for Library and Information_Managers
LIS 557W
Chief Information Officers in the_Private and Public Sectors
LIS 559W
Electronic Publishing Issues and_Opportunities
LIS 560W
Acquiring, Procuring, and Financing Info_Rmation Technology Online
LIS 563W
Introduction to Strategic Information Ma_Nagement Online
LIS 564W
Seminar in Contemporary Issues: Digital_Copyright Online
LIS 567W
Advanced Information Technolgy Tools:_Building the Social Library Online
LIS 568W
Appl. in Medical Informatics
LIS 569W
Children's Literature Goes to the Movies
LIS 570W
Gen. & Cult. in Chldrn Books
LIS 571W
Human Information Interaction
LIS 572W
Information Services for Specific_Populations
LIS 573W
Information Technology Security_Architecture
LIS 574W
Information Visualization
LIS 575W
Library Services for Racially and_Ethinically Diverse Communities
LIS 576W
Seminar in Information Scienc
LIS 579W
Information Technology Tools &_Applications: Advanced Web 2.0
LIS 581W
Museum Archives
LIS 585W
Information, Resources, Services and_Technology for an Aging World
LIS 586W
Intro to Info Science
LIS 588W
Strat. Plan.- Info Based Org.
LIS 589W
Tech. in Web Content Mgmt.
LIS 590W
Web 2.0 & Social Netwrkng Tools
LIS 591W
Sem.- Pub. for the Profession
LIS 592W
Digital Citizenship
LIS 593D
Information Visualization
LIS 593W
Hlth. Sciences Resourses & Svs
LIS 594W
Digital Humanities
LIS 595W
Sem. Lib. Mgmt- Elec. Res.
LIS 596W
Applied Information Security
LIS 597A
Copyright & Fair Use in the Digital Age
LIS 597B
Politics, Power & Prize
LIS 597C
Social Media
LIS 597D
Genres and and Topics in Youth Lit:_Picture Books for Older Readers
LIS 597E
Services to Racially & Ethnically_Diverse Communities
LIS 597F
Resources & Information Services_Topic: Maps and Gis
LIS 597G
Seminar in Information Science_Topic: Gaming and Libraries
LIS 597H
Seminar in Information Science_Topic: Grant Writing and Alternative_Funding Sources
LIS 597I
Seminar in Information Science_-Topic: Open Movement and Libraries
LIS 597J
Librarianship for Latin American,_Iberian and Latina Studies
LIS 597K
LIS 597L
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)_For Librarians
LIS 597M
Readers' Advisory Services
LIS 597N
Seminar in Information Science:_Web 3.0 and Emerging Trends
LIS 597O
Advanced Information Tech Tools: Web 2.0
LIS 597P
Back of Book Indixing
LIS 597Q
Music Cataloging
LIS 597R
CIO's in Global Enterprises (WISE)
LIS 597S
Fact of the Matter: Information_Literature for Middle and High School
LIS 597T
Information Services: Specific_Populations
LIS 597U
Resources & Information_Services: Library Services for Distance_Learners
LIS 597V
Social Networking for Information_Professionals
LIS 597W
Motivational Aspects of Information Use
LIS 597X
Archives-Access Advocacy & Outreach
LIS 597Y
Audiovisual Archiving
LIS 597Z
Information Policy
LIS 598A
Children's Literature Goes to the Movies
LIS 598B
Consumer Health Information Sources &_Services
LIS 598C
Informetrics and Scholarly Communication
LIS 598D
Resources & Information Services in_Professions & Disciplines:film and Media
LIS 598E
Man of Advantage: Books and Boys in the_High School Years
LIS 598F
Collection Development for Academic_Libraries
LIS 598G
Multicultural Literature for Children
LIS 598H
GLBTIQ Resources and Services
LIS 598I
Seminar: Services to Children & Young_Adults: Intellectual Freedom - YA
LIS 598J
Data Mining
LIS 598K
Community Outreach
LIS 598L
RDF, Ontologies & the Semantic Web
LIS 598M
Adult Materials and Reading Interests
LIS 598N
Technology in the Lives of Children_& Youth
LIS 598O
Transformative Learning & Technology_Literacies
LIS 598P
Electronic Resource Management &_Licensing
LIS 598Q
Library Budgeting, Fundraising & Grant_Writing
LIS 598R
Innovation in Public Libraries
LIS 598S
Distributed Learning Librarianship
LIS 598T
Government Information and Services
LIS 598U
Introduction to Online Teaching
LIS 598V
Project Management
LIS 598W
Advocacy for Academic, Public, & School_Libraries
LIS 598X
Digital Health
LIS 598Y
Intellectual Freedom & Censorship
LIS 598Z
Electronic Health Records
LIS 599A
Information Analytics
LIS 599B
Publishing, Knowledge Inst. & Society: E
LIS 599C
Human-Computer Interaction
LIS 599D
Research Data Management
LIS 599E
Advocacy and Marketing for Libraries
LIS 599F
Project Management
LIS 599G
Writing Grant Proposals
LIS 599H
Linked Open Data
LIS 599I
Information Sources & Service
LIS 599J
Transformative Library Leadership
LIS 599K
Medical Librarianship
LIS 599M
Technologies for Data Preservation & Data Forensics
LIS 599N
Project Management: Strategy and Applications
LIS 599O
Museum Collection Development
LIS 599P
Information Assurance