PHS131 Engineering Physics I

This course deals with the principles of mechanics and includes the following topics: composition and resolution of vectors, statics, moments, rectilinear motion, Newton's laws of motion, projectile motion, work and energy, impulse and momentum, circular motion, rotational kinematics and dynamics, elasticity, vibration, and mechanics of wave.

Credit Hours


Lecture Hours


Lab Hours



Reading proficiency and Writing proficiency or RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C or ESL110 ESL Transitional Writing Minimum Grade of: C or ENG101 English Composition I or higher Minimum Grade of: C and MAT140 or higher Minimum Grade of: C


MAT251 Calculus I Minimum Grade of: C


  • Free Elective

  • Liberal Arts Elective

  • Science Elective

  • Science Technology Intensive