Courses and Requirements
The Engineering Science – Advanced Manufacturing Precision Machining program introduces students to the principles, analysis and equipment of engineering manufacturing. Emphasis is placed on fundamentals through “hands on” curriculum. The program is designed to serve two purposes for students. First, the objective has an occupational focus. The curriculum prepares graduates to work in such occupations as machinists, Cell leaders, Precision machining technicians, EAs or Engineering Assistants, as well as prototype developers all of which are critical needs of our current workforce employers. Second, the majority of the courses in the program prepare students to pursue an upper level degree in Engineering.
Starting in the fall of 2014, any student enrolled in an associate degree program who is new to NECC and has no academic history at the college, must take at least one course designated as intensive in each of NECC’s six core academic skills in order to graduate. In most cases, the program’s core required courses include these intensive courses. Plan to see an advisor for more complete information about this graduation requirement.
Student Professional Liability Insurance: Students are required to carry professional liability insurance. The premium is to be paid at the time of course registration.
BUS101 | Introduction to Business | 3 | Global Awareness Intensive Information Literacy Intensive |
COM111 | Public Speaking | 3 | Public Presentation Intensive |
ENG101 | English Composition I | 3 | |
ENG102 | English Composition II | 3 | |
ENG103 | Technical Writing | 3 | Written Communication Intensive |
EST110 | Engineering Design Graphics | 3 | Science Technology Intensive |
EST111 | Computer Aided Drafting I | 3 | Science Technology Intensive |
EST112 | Computer Aided Drafting II | 3 | Science Technology Intensive |
EST113 | Principles of Manufacturing | 3 | |
EST114 | Material Science | 3 | |
EST140 | Manufacturing Safety | 3 | |
EST141 | Manufacturing Quality Control | 4 | |
EST150 | Machine Application | 4 | |
EST151 | Introduction to CNC Machines | 4 | |
EST152 | CNC Machines | 4 | |
MAT125 | Statistics | 4 | Quantitative Reason Intensive |
MAT130 | College Algebra & Trigonometry | 4 | Quantitative Reason Intensive |
PHS111 | College Physics I | 4 | |
Select ONE Math or Computer Science Elective (4 credits)
MAT251 | Calculus I | 4 | Quantitative Reason Intensive |
CIS140 | Introduction to Computer Science | 4 | Information Literacy Intensive Science Technology Intensive |
| Minimum Credits: | 65 |
Courses with Prerequisites: ENG103, EST110, EST114, EST140, EST152, MAT125, MAT130, PHS111
Program Notes
Recommended Course Sequence Engineering Science Advanced Manufacturing Precision Machining Associate in Science
Year 1
ENG101 | English Composition I | 3 | |
EST110 | Engineering Design Graphics | 3 | Science Technology Intensive |
EST140 | Manufacturing Safety | 3 | |
MAT125 | Statistics | 4 | Quantitative Reason Intensive |
EST111 | Computer Aided Drafting I | 3 | Science Technology Intensive |
EST112 | Computer Aided Drafting II | 3 | Science Technology Intensive |
EST150 | Machine Application | 4 | |
EST151 | Introduction to CNC Machines | 4 | |
EST113 | Principles of Manufacturing | 3 | |
MAT130 | College Algebra & Trigonometry | 4 | Quantitative Reason Intensive |
Year 2
ENG102 | English Composition II | 3 | |
COM111 | Public Speaking | 3 | Public Presentation Intensive |
EST141 | Manufacturing Quality Control | 4 | |
PHS111 | College Physics I | 4 | |
EST114 | Material Science | 3 | |
ENG103 | Technical Writing | 3 | Written Communication Intensive |
BUS101 | Introduction to Business | 3 | Global Awareness Intensive Information Literacy Intensive |
EST152 | CNC Machines | 4 | |
MAT or CIS | Math or Computer Science Elective | 4 | |