SE3302 System Suitability

This course presents the techniques of system design and assessment for operational feasibility, including reliability, maintainability, usability (including human factors and human performance), supportability, and producibility. Design methods for open architecture of hardware and software are presented. Software integration and management from a systems perspective is presented.


SE3100, and OS3180 or OS3111.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 

  • Define each design consideration using scientific and mathematical language where appropriate and explain the boundaries of each consideration. 
  • Identify relevant metrics that can be used to assess if the system design is satisfactory based-on each design consideration. 
  • List design principles or strategies that can be used to improve the system design based-on each design consideration. 
  • Demonstrate how to allocate reliability and maintainability requirements from the system to sub-systems. 
  • Demonstrate how to allocate maintainability between preventative and corrective types to meet requirements. 
  • Determine suitable reliability and maintainability requirements to achieve the required system availability. 
  • Explain the trade-offs that exist with the design considerations when one consideration is improved in the system design.