MV3203 Graphical Simulation

Teaches the theory and techniques relevant to rapid construction of small to medium sized graphical simulations using existing simulation platforms, such as Delta3D, VBS2, Unreal, etcetera, including web browsers with plug-ins for Flash or X3D: For use as a stimulus for human performance experiments; as partial task trainers; as visualizations to support analysis; as testbeds for new hardware or software technology.



Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Statement Of Course Objectives


Course Learning Outcomes

Students will gain a practical knowledge of the following topics and will demonstrate their knowledge by creating multiple small simulations.

  • Simulation design (Ensuring that the simulation logic supports the purpose and intended user experience of the simulation)
  • Tool chain (Usually multiple tools must be used in an integrated manner to produce the completed simulation. Discussion of the roles that must be filled and issues relating to integration.)
  • 3D environment design (Like the simulation logic, the geometry of the simulation must support the purpose and intended user experience of the simulation.)
  • Modeling (The terrain and each visible object must be created or otherwise acquired, each with its own geometry and material properties.)
  • Animation (All simulations involve movement of the camera and/or simulated entities. Techniques for building and using animations for rigid bodies will be covered.)
  • Lighting (Lighting has a huge effect on what the user will see or fail to see when the simulation is used. Lighting to create specific moods is also useful on occasion.)
  • Scripting (Scripting is the light coding used to trigger and integrate animations and to implement the simulation logic.)
  • Sound (Many simulations require or are greatly enhanced by the use of sound to indicate the occurrence of certain events and provide ambiance or user feedback.)