CC3000 Command and Control

No single activity in military operations is more important than C2! This course focuses on the fundamental theories of both command and control as they apply in current and emerging operational environments including but not limited to the nuances of cross domain C2 involving cyber, information, and kinetic operations. Emphasis is placed on understanding established theories associated with control of forces and systems and how application of these theories varies according to changing forces and systems and how application of these theories varies according to changing and evolving environments, technologies and organizations. Theoretical concepts may include but are not limited to decision making, organizational design, control, motivation, and information theories. Additionally, the course will explore the evolution of information systems to include current enterprise and cloud architectures and how they impact control processes and the ability to command. Cases involving US national security and military events are studied as a means of identifying successes and failures in the application of these theories. Prerequisites: none.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Statement Of Course Objectives

The purpose of this course is to provide you with information and guidance in the basic truths, laws and assumptions associated with Command and Control, C2, C3, C4, C4I2,..., CxIy. Through the discussions and academic papers you will demonstrate your understanding of these basic truths; through the group project you will demonstrate your ability to analyze and assess real-world operations through a C2 lens. When you have successfully completed this course you will have a basic knowledge and understanding of C2 above-and-beyond the ability to spew forth fashionable buzzwords!) It will provide you with the basics, it is up to you, individually, to further develop an understanding of the full complexities of command, control and C2 when applied to real-life situations.

This course will show you that fully integrated C2 is anything but simple.

Course Learning Outcomes

Students completing this course will be able to:

  • Differentiate between concepts of command and concepts of control.
  • Identify elements of organization structures.
  • Identify threats to organization effectiveness posed by various organizational structures.
  • Understand biological and non-biological decision-making processes.
  • Understand biological and non-biological communication links.
  • Understand how information impacts biological and non-biological system behaviors.
  • Analyze military cases to identify threats to mission accomplishment introduced by elements of command and control.