AE4902 Advanced Study in Astronautical Engineering

Directed advanced study in Astronautical Engineering on a subject of mutual interest to student and staff member after most of a student's electives have already been taken. May be repeated for credit with a different topic. Graded on Pass/Fail basis only.


Permission of Department Chairman

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate Mastery of Specialized Engineering Concepts
    • Students will gain a deep understanding of advanced mechanical or aerospace engineering topics, applying specialized knowledge and techniques relevant to the specific subject of study.
  • Conduct Independent Research and Problem Solving
    • Students will demonstrate the ability to independently research, analyze, and solve complex engineering problems related to the chosen special topic, integrating knowledge from prior coursework and real-world applications.
  • Present Technical Findings and Solutions
    • Students will effectively communicate their technical findings and solutions, both in written reports and oral presentations, demonstrating the ability to present advanced engineering concepts clearly to both technical and non-technical audiences.