Emergency Notifications

Mayland Community College encourages students, faculty, staff, visitors, and community members to report all crimes and public safety-related incidents on campus in a timely manner to a MCC Security Officer or the Dean of Students. If the act occurs at the Avery or Yancey Learning Center, please report it to the Dean of that particular center.

Students, faculty, staff, and visitors should take precautions to protect their own safety. Do not attempt to interfere with an incident except to protect personal safety and please try to note distinguishing characteristics of individuals and a description of vehicles involved, including license numbers.

A. Reporting an Emergency or Crime

To report an emergency dial 911, use the CALL BOX in the parking lot on the main campus and/or contact the following:

Campus Security Authorities on Main Campus
Campus Security
Location: Gwaltney Hall, Front Lobby

Michelle Musich, Dean of Students
Location: Gwaltney Hall, Student Services

William Ellis, Coordinator of Purchasing, Equipment, and Safety
Location: Gwaltney Hall, Business Office

Students at the ALC and YLC should contact the Dean of that campus.

B. Emergency Notification/Timely Warning

The Mayland Community College Board authorizes the President to develop and implement procedures for the handling of emergency situations that may arise on campus, including when and how to warn the campus community.

In the event that a situation arises, on or off campus, that the President or his designee deems an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus-wide timely warning will be issued. A warning may be issued through campus-wide emails, website announcements and/or ReGroup text messages.

If a situation on the main campus poses an immediate threat to the community, a warning and directives will be disseminated through ReGroup Emergency text messages, the Lynx Messenger System on the computers of essential personnel, and/or mass notification system intercoms. If an immediate notification is necessary at one of the learning centers, a notice will be placed on the front door and individuals will be given directives by the Dean of that particular center.

C. Security Officers

MCC does have a Security Officer on duty during business hours. MCC Security Officers have the authority to ask persons for identification to determine whether individuals have lawful business on Campus. Criminal incidents are referred to local law enforcement agencies. The Security Officers and College Administration maintain a highly professional working relationship with local law enforcement agencies. MCC security officers and local law enforcement agencies communicate regularly on the scene of incidents that occur in and around Campus. There is no written memorandum of understanding between MCC and local law enforcement agencies.

D. Anonymous Reporting

Campus professional counselors, when acting as such, are not required to report crimes for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics. Counselors are encouraged, if and when they deem it appropriate, to inform persons being counseled of the procedures to report crimes on a voluntary confidential basis for inclusion in annual crime statistics.

E. Campus Hours and Access

The Main Campus and Learning Centers are open to students, faculty, staff, and visitors during normal business hours. During non-business hours, all campus buildings can only be accessed by key. The Main Campus has a Security Office on duty during business hours who patrols the entire campus. The Main Campus and Learning Centers are equipped with surveillance cameras and the Security Officer and the Director of Facilities Services regularly check to make sure the campus facilities and property are maintained in a manner to help protect the safety of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. MCC does not have campus residences or student organizations with off-campus locations.

F. MCC’S Campus Security Report

This report is required by federal law to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act and contains policy statements and crime statistics for the school. Three years’ worth of statistics are included for certain types of crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus, in off-campus buildings or on property owned or controlled by the school, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus. The Dean of Students prepares this report using crime statistics provided by the MCC Security Office, local law enforcement agencies, and College officials. This report is available online at https://www.mayland.edu/about-mayland/consumer-information/campus-security-report/ or a paper copy may also be requested from Student Services, located on the Main Campus in Gwaltney Hall. Each year, an email notification that provides the web address to access this report is sent to all enrolled students, faculty, and staff. All prospective employees may obtain a copy from the Human Resources Department, also located on the Main Campus, in Gwaltney Hall.

G. MCC’S Crime Log

A crime log is maintained at the Main Campus and the Learning Centers. The most recent 60-day period is available for review at each location during normal business hours. Any portion of the log older than 60 days is available within two business days of the request. This information can be obtained from the Coordinator of Purchasing, Equipment, and Safety or the Dean of the Learning Center. The information in the daily crime log includes the nature, date, time, general location, and disposition of each crime. The names of individuals will be withheld, and any information may be withheld, if its release could jeopardize an ongoing investigation.

H. Informing the Campus Community

Students are informed about campus security procedures through New Student Orientation and through the annual publication of the MCC Student handbook and the Campus Security Report. Employees are informed during New Employee Orientation and in the annual publication of the Campus Security Report. Crime prevention programming is held as needed.