Student Code of Conduct

The College makes every effort to maintain a safe and orderly educational environment for students and staff.  Therefore, when, in the judgment of College officials, a student’s conduct disrupts or threatens to disrupt the College community, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to restore and protect the sanctity of the community.

Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with generally accepted standards of scholarship and morality.  The purpose of these standards is not to restrict student rights but to protect the rights of individuals in their academic pursuits.

The following regulation sets forth offenses for which disciplinary proceedings may be initiated.  Violation of one or more of the following code provisions may result in one of the sanctions described in Procedure – Discipline and Appeals Procedures for Academic-Related Violations and/or Procedure – Discipline and Appeals Procedures for Non-Academic Related Violations.

Academic-Related Violations 

A. Plagiarism – The intentional theft or unacknowledged use of another’s work or ideas.  Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to: a) paraphrasing or summarizing another’s words or works without proper acknowledgement; b) using direct quotes of material without proper acknowledgment; or c) purchasing or using a paper or presentation written or produced by another person.  If a student is uncertain about what constitutes plagiarism, he/she should discuss with the class instructor.

B. Cheating – Using notes or other material on an exam or class work without permission from the class instructor; receiving information from another student during an exam; obtaining a copy of an exam or questions from an exam prior to taking the exam; submitting someone else’s work as one’s own; or having someone take one’s exam and submitting it as his/her own. 

C. Aiding Acts of Academic Dishonesty – Providing information to another student and knowing, or reasonably should have known, that the student intends to use the information for cheating or other deceptive purposes. 

Non-Academic Related Violations 

A. Theft and Property Damage – Students shall not steal or damage College property or another individual’s property.  Students who are caught stealing or damaging said property will be required to make restitution and may be eligible for civil or criminal prosecution as well as College discipline. 

B. Trespass to Property – Students are trespassing if in an unauthorized area of the College campus; present on the College campus after closing hours (without permission); or remaining on the College campus after having been directed to leave by a College official. 

C. Drugs and Alcohol – Unlawfully possessing, using, being under the influence of, manufacturing, dispensing, selling or distributing alcohol, illegal or unauthorized controlled substances or impairing substances at any College location.  For more specific information, see Policy 5.3.5 – Students – Alcohol and Drugs on Campus.  In addition, students may not use tobacco of any form or e-cigarettes on campus or at any College-affiliated activities or events.

D. Lewd and Indecent Behavior – Students shall not engage in lewd or indecent behavior, including public physical or verbal action or distribution of obscene material based on reasonable community standards.  The conduct must be objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that the conduct constitutes lewd and/or indecent behavior.

E. Mental/Physical Abuse – Students shall not mentally or physically abuse any person on the College premises or at a College-supervised function, including verbal or physical actions which threaten or endanger the health or safety of any such persons.

F. Assault – Students shall not assault or threaten to assault another person for any reason whatsoever.  Assault includes a demonstration of force, unlawful physical touching or striking.  

G. Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence.  Students shall not engage in sexual harassment and/or sexual violence.  For more specific information and definitions of prohibited activities, consult Procedure – Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence.

H. Unlawful Discrimination.  Students shall not engage in unlawful discrimination.  For more specific information and definitions of prohibited activities, consult Procedure – Unlawful Discrimination.   

I. Communicating Threats – Students shall not verbally, in writing, through a third party or by any other means threaten to physically injure another person or that person’s child, sibling, spouse or dependent, or willfully threaten to damage the property of another. 

J. Bullying – Students shall not intimidate or threaten with harm any other individual.  Bullying is defined as any pattern of gestures or written, electronic or verbal communications, or any physical act or any threatening communication that takes place on the College premises or at any College sponsored function that: (a) places a person in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her property; or (b) creates, or is certain to create, a hostile environment by substantially interfering with or impairing a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits or a College’s employee's ability to perform the essential functions of his/her job.  

K. Disorderly Conduct and Disruption – Students shall not obstruct or disrupt any teaching, research, administration or disciplinary proceedings, or other College activities, including public service functions, and other duly authorized activities on or off College premises.  Students shall not occupy or seize, in any manner, College property, a College facility or any portion thereof for a use inconsistent with prescribed, customary, or authorized use.  Students shall not participate in or conduct an assembly, demonstration or gathering in a manner which threatens or causes injury to person or property; which interferes with free access to, ingress or egress of College facilities; which is harmful, obstructive or disruptive to the educational process or institutional functions of the College; hold rallies, demonstrations, or any other forms of public gathering without prior approval of the College based on reasonable time, place and manner restrictions; remain at the scene of such an assembly after being asked to leave by a representative of the College staff.

L. Possession of Weapons – Students may not have a weapon of any kind, including but not limited to, a knife, stun gun or any firearm in their possession on campus or at any College-affiliated activities or events except handguns as allowed by N.C.G.S. § 14-269.4.  Handguns are permitted under these circumstances: a) the person has a concealed handgun permit that is lawfully issued; b) the handgun is in a closed compartment or container within the person’s locked vehicle; c) a person may unlock the vehicle to enter or exit the vehicle provided the handgun remains in the closed compartment at all times; and d) the vehicle is locked at all times. 

M. Tampering with Fire Alarms - Setting off a fire alarm or using or tampering with any fire safety equipment, except with reasonable belief in the need for such alarm or equipment.

N. Gambling – Students may not gamble on campus or at any College-affiliated activities or events.  

O. Traffic Violations - Violation of College regulations regarding the operation and parking of motor vehicles.

P. Providing False Information – Students shall not present to the College or its employees false information as part of an investigation, inquiry, hearing or in other matters related to College activities; neither may a student knowingly withhold information which may have an effect on their enrollment or their status with the College. 

Q. Disobedience / Insubordination - Failure to comply with instructions of College officials acting in performance of their duties and failure to adhere to the terms of any discipline action.

R. Financial Impropriety – Financial impropriety such as failure to pay College-levied fines, failure to repay College-funded loans, misuse or failure to properly account for club or student organization funds, or the passing of worthless checks, drafts or orders to College officials. 

S. Public Laws – Violations of any federal, state or local laws occurring while on campus may lead to legal actions as well as College discipline.  Violations of federal, state or local laws occurring off campus may result in disciplinary action if the student’s continued presence on campus constitutes a threat to the safety and order of the campus. 

T. Failure to Report Criminal Activity - Failure to inform the College, in writing, within five (5) days after he or she is convicted for violation of any federal, state, or local criminal drug statue or alcoholic beverage control statute where such violation occurred while on a College location.  For more information, see Policy 5.3.5 – Student Alcohol and Drugs on Campus. 

U. Unauthorized Access to College Records – Students may not access, view, copy or change official College records without expressed authority to do so. 

V. Animals on Campus – Students may not have an animal of any kind on campus.  This includes animals left within a vehicle.  Services animals are permitted and any student with a service animal should report the use of a service animal to the College’s Disability Services Coordinator.  For more information regarding service animals, see Policy 5.4.5 – Service Animals and Other Animals on Campus 

W. Improper Use of the College Network/Technology – Students are prohibited from engaging in any activities prohibited under Policy 7.2 – Internet and Network Acceptable Use.

X. Violation of Policies and Procedures – Students are expected to be familiar with the College’s policies and procedures.  Students may be disciplined for failure to follow the College’s policies and procedures.  

Y. Violations of Normal Classroom Behavior – Not complying with reasonable rules issued by an instructor, causing disruption in the classroom or being disrespectful to classmates or the instructor.  The conduct must be objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that the conduct is disruptive or disrespectful not based on content or viewpoint discrimination. 

Z. Children on Campus – Children are not allowed in classrooms unless approved by the appropriate Dean/AVP for instructional purposes.  Children cannot be unattended on campus.  

AA. Dress – Shirt and shoes are required at all times while a student is on campus or at all times while such student is attending a MCC activity, function, or event of MCC grounds.  Special programs, such as the Health or Technical programs, may require special attire for clinical, laboratory, or shop areas.  A student may not attend classes or laboratory work conducted in the clinical, laboratory or shop areas if such student is in violation of the attire codes for such areas.

AB. Retaliation – Retaliation is strictly prohibited against anyone who in good faith reports a suspected violation or campus policy, who assists in making such complaint, or who cooperates in the investigation.  Retaliation means taking any adverse action in response to a complaint being made.