University Catalog 2024-2025
NU - Nursing
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The University Catalog
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Liberal Arts Core
College of Business, Innovation, Leadership, and Technology
College of Health and Education
College of Sciences and Humanities
ACT - Accounting
AH - Art History
AI - Artificial Intelligence
ART - Studio Art
ASTR - Astronomy
BILT - Business, Innovation, Leadership and Technology
BIO - Biology
CCS - Counseling Career Services
CE - Counseling Education
CHM - Chemistry
CJ - Criminal Justice
COMM - Communication
DAN - Dance
DATA - Data Science
DBA - Doctor of Business Admin
EAP - English for Academic Purposes
ECO - Economics
ED - Education
EN - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENT - Entrepreneurship
FD - Fashion Design
FIN - Finance
FLP - Forensic and Legal Psychology
FR - French
GEND - Gender and Society
GEO - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GER - German
GMD - Graphic and Media Design
GSP - Global Study
HCM - Health Care Management
HI - History
HON - Honors
HPR - Health and Human Performance
HRM - Human Resource Management
HU - Humanities
HUM - Humanities
ID - Interior Architecture and Design
INN - Intrapreneurship
IPE - Interprofessional Education
IS - Interdisciplinary Studies
IT - Information Technology
LA - Legal Administration
LAT - Latin
LS - Liberal Studies
MA - Mathematics
MBA - Master of Business Administration
MENG - Mechanical Engineering
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MUS - Music
NEU - Neuroscience
NUE - Nursing Education
NUF - Family Nurse Practitioner
NU - Nursing
OD - Organizational Development
OTD - Occupational Therapy
PH - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POL - Politics
PSC - Physical Science
PSY - Psychology
PT - Physical Therapy
SEM - Seminar
SOC - Sociology
SP - Spanish
SW - Social Work
TRS - Theology and Religious Studies
VIS - Visual Arts
University Leadership
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NU - Nursing
NU 230
Introduction to Professional Nursing & Scholarship
NU 231
Principles and Applications of Fundamental Nursing Technologies
NU 234
Promoting Health Across the Life-Span
NU 302
Health Assessment
NU 305
Alternative/Complementary Medicine
NU 306
Basic Concepts in Pathophysiology & Pharmacology
NU 307
Nursing Care of Adults with Chronic Health Problems
NU 308
Nursing Care of Adults with Acute Complex Health Problems
NU 310
The Nurse, the Client, and the Health Care System
NU 315
The Scholarship of Professional Nursing
NU 333
Health Promotion and Illness Management in the Childbearing Family
NU 334
Mental Health Promotion and Illness Management
NU 335
Illness Management in Children and Adolescents
NU 339
Global Service Learning in Nursing
NU 361
NU 362
NU 400
Health Promotion and Risk Reduction in Communities
NU 403
Research and Evidence-Based Practice
NU 406
Nursing Care of Adults with Multi-System/Complex Health Problems
NU 407
Applied Clinical Reasoning
NU 412
Introduction to Leadership, Management, and Advocacy
NU 425
Nursing Capstone
NU 427
Contemporary Issues in Nursing
NU 430
Leadership in Nursing Practice
NU 433
NU 489
Nursing Internship: Transition to Practice
NU 490
Nursing Internship
NU 499
Independent Study
NU 500SL
Foundations of Education and the Teaching Profession
NU 501
Theoretical, Ethical, and Profession Foundations of Advanced Nursing Practice
NU 510
Population Health
NU 515
Accounting Basics for Health Care Managers
NU 539
Global Service Learning for the Advanced Practice Nurse
NU 552
Advanced Pharmacology
NU 554
Advanced Pathophysiology
NU 555
Psychopharmacology Across the Lifespan
NU 556
Clinical Psychiatric Diagnosis and Management Across the Life Span I
NU 557
Clinical Psychiatric Diagnosis and Management Across the Life Span II
NU 558
Clinical psychiatric diagnosis and management across the life span III
NU 590
Health Care Data Analysis
NU 599
Independent Study
NU 700
Evidence-Based Practice
NU 701
Innovative Models of Care Delivery
NU 702
NU 703
Research Methods and Applications
NU 705
Multivariate Analysis
NU 706
Policy and Advocacy in Health Care
NU 707
Leadership, Quality, and Ethics in Health Care
NU 800
NU 801
Doctoral Project
NU 899
Independent Study
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