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Law (Minor)

This interdisciplinary minor is open to students in any major. It is designed for students who are interested in learning about the law or interested in attending law school. It introduces students to the law and focuses on substantive law and constitutional law. In addition, legal writing and research are key components of multiple courses.  

Minimum Grade Requirement: Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in courses used to fulfill the minor requirements.

Residency Requirement: Students must complete at least 12 credits of the minor requirements at Marymount.

Minor Requirements

Minor Required Courses

Take 15 credits from the following:

LA 280Introduction to the Legal System


LA 301Civil Litigation


LA 302Criminal Litigation


LA 350Cyber Law


PH 300Modern Logic *


POL 335American Constitutional Law I


POL 336American Constitutional Law II


For BBA or ECO students only: LA 249 or ECO 353