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Liberal Studies (B.A.)

Liberal studies is a unique major at Marymount that provides a broad general education and the opportunity to gain knowledge in two major fields that are designated as concentrations. Some examples of concentration options are biology/physical sciences, business and information technology, communication, English, fine and applied arts, gender and society, graphic design, history, humanities, mathematics, philosophy/religious studies/theology, politics, and social sciences (psychology/sociology/criminal justice). Concentrations may also be interdisciplinary such as digital advocacy, performance development, race and ethnic studies, future climates, gaming world: design and build, the American dream, or the big questions. Other concentrations may be considered.

Liberal studies is also a degree completion program for students changing majors in junior year or later, for transfer students from other institutions, and for nontraditional students with previously earned college credits and full-time work experience. The program provides an efficient way to maximize the number of transfer credits and/or shorten the time required for graduation in a single discipline. Students must have completed at least 45 credits to enter the program.

The liberal studies program consists of three components: the Liberal Arts Core, the two concentrations, and the liberal studies triad (LS 300, LS 400, and LS 420).

Upon successful completion of the liberal studies program, students will be able to

  • demonstrate appropriate knowledge of content from two areas of concentration;
  • apply and integrate methods from different disciplines in research and analysis that examine an issue from multiple perspectives, effectively incorporating and synthesizing information from two different disciplines;
  • find, use, and evaluate a variety of sources of information and demonstrate competence in a documentation style appropriate to their discipline;
  • produce a well-structured and well-written argumentative essay of substantial length that supports students' claims, evaluates opposing and/or alternate viewpoints, and reaches a conclusion logically arising from the discussion;
  • communicate ideas clearly in an oral presentation, defending conclusions effectively and responding extempore to questions and critiques; and
  • demonstrate an understanding of the value of lifelong learning by articulating how educational experiences relate to careers and daily life.

The portfolio contains a collection of experiential and scholarly writings, including a lengthy senior thesis in which the student conducts scholarly research that integrates knowledge of the student’s two fields of concentration. The portfolio is often sent to prospective employers to demonstrate students' high level of research and writing skills and knowledge of the controversial issues in their fields of concentration.

Degree Requirements — Liberal Studies

This degree requires a total of 120 credits.

Liberal Arts Core and University Requirements

See University Requirements and the Liberal Arts Core for details. Liberal studies majors will satisfy the three-course university Writing Intensive (WI) requirement in the following way: LS 300 Liberal Studies Readings and Portfolio Development, LS 420 Senior Seminar, and one additional WI course from an area of concentration or from the Liberal Arts Core or university electives.

Major Requirements

To fulfill the requirements of the major, all students in this program will take the following coursework in a sequence determined in collaboration with an advisor. Some courses also satisfy Liberal Arts Core and/or University Requirements.

Major Required Courses

Students will take a triad of liberal studies–specific courses:

LS 300Liberal Studies Readings and Portfolio Development *


LS 400Liberal Studies Internship *


LS 420Senior Seminar *


Students with significant work history may fulfill the internship requirement through submission of a portfolio (LS 400 PACE Internship), with approval of the dean of the College of Sciences and Humanities.


Liberal studies majors will complete two concentrations for a total of 36 credits.

Students may take 18 credits in each field or as few as 15 credits in one of the fields, as long as the required  36-credit total for the two concentrations is met. Of these 36 credits, a total of 18 credits must be completed in concentration courses numbered 300 or above; students may take nine (9) credits in each field, or as few as six (6) credits in one of the fields, as long as the required total of 18 credits of 300-level courses is met.

NOTE: Courses used to fulfill students' requirements in their two concentrations cannot be used to fulfill Liberal Arts Core requirements.

Liberal studies majors who desire a concentration in either gender and society or humanities must satisfy the requirements listed below.

Gender and Society Concentration

Five to seven courses in a minimum of three academic disciplines from the following:

COMM 220Intercultural Communication *


COMM 304Media Criticism *


EN 230American Voices *


EN 340Major Women Writers *


GEND 200Approaches to Gender and Society *


GEND 300Advanced Gender Studies


GEND 420Gender and Society Capstone


HI 331Women in the United States *


PSY 110Human Growth and Development *


PSY 321Psychology of Gender *


SOC 350Social Justice *


SOC 365Gender Inequality in Global Perspective *


SOC 375Topics in Human Rights *


TRS 362Friendship, Marriage, and God *


Courses used for this concentration cannot be used to fulfill Liberal Arts Core requirements.

Humanities Concentration

Five to seven courses in a minimum of three of the following academic disciplines: English, fine arts, history, philosophy, and theology and religious studies. Courses selected for this concentration cannot be used to fulfill Liberal Arts Core requirements.

Sample Degree Plan — Liberal Studies

Due to the nature of the liberal studies degree, each student will create an individualized two-year completion plan in conjunction with an advisor. The required liberal studies triad courses should be scheduled as follows. 

LS 300 — Fall, Year One
LS 400 — Fall, Year Two
LS 420 — Spring, Year Two

Marymount University Liberal Studies (B.A.) and UND Mechanical Engineering (B.S.)

Marymount University has an agreement with the University of North Dakota for students to earn both a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of North Dakota and a degree in Liberal Studies from Marymount University.  Students fulfill all requirements for both degrees while maintaining full-time status at Marymount University and enrolling in online courses at the University of North Dakota.  Tuition each semester is due to Marymount University.  This tuition covers Marymount courses as well as University of North Dakota courses.  University of North Dakota courses are delivered online during the academic year.  Students are required to complete three laboratory courses during two summers at the University of North Dakota. Interested students should work with their academic advisor at the beginning of their academic career to understand the full requirements of both programs.  The advisor will guide the student through the application process and subsequent registrations.  Application to the University of North Dakota occurs early during the fall semester of the first year.  For more information and details, please see Marymount University Partnership with University of North Dakota Engineering.

Please note that this is a sample plan and requires 5 years; all students must consult with an advisor in making course selections.  Some courses are offered only every other year, and this plan assumes beginning in the fall of an odd year, but the program can be completed beginning any year.  This sample plan is based on a liberal studies degree with concentrations in mathematics and mechanical engineering.

Year Five - Fall

LS 400Liberal Studies Internship *


ME 480+Mechanical Engineering Seminar


ME 487+Engineering Design


Tech Elec+ME Technical Elective


Tech Elec+ME Technical Elective


Total Credit Hours:12

LS 400: EXP course

ME 480: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ME 487: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Tech Elective: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Year Five - Spring

LS 420Senior Seminar *


ME 487+Engineering Design


Tech Elec+ME Technical Elective


Tech Elec+ME Technical Elective


Tech Elec+ME Technical Elective


Total Credit Hours:15

LS 420: DSINQ and WI course

ME 488: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Tech Elective: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Year Four - Fall

LS 300Liberal Studies Readings and Portfolio Development *


MATH 266+Elementary Differential Equations


ME 301+Materials Science


ME 306+Fluid Mechanics


Tech Elec+ME Technical Elective


Total Credit Hours:15

LS 300: WI course

MATH 266 transfers as MA 325: DSINQ course; fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ME 301: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ME 306: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Tech Elective: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Year Four - Spring

Advanced Social Science (SS-2) core course *


Fine Arts (FNA), Advanced History (HI-2), or Advanced Literature (LT-2) core course in second discipline


ME 323+Machine Component Design


ME 323L+Machine Component Design Lab


ME 418+Manufacturing Processes


ME 474+Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer


Total Credit Hours:16

ME 418: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ME 323 and 323L: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ME 474: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Year Four - Summer

ME 418L++Manufacturing Processes Lab


ME 483++Mechanical Measurements Lab


Total Credit Hours:4

ME 418L: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ME 483: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Year One - Fall

CNCT 100Connections *


CHM 151Principles of Chemistry I *


CHM 151LPrinciples of Chemistry I Lab


EN 101Composition I *


MA 181Calculus I *


TRS 100Theological Inquiry *


Total Credit Hours:17

CHM 151: NS core course; fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

CHM 151L: NS lab core course; fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

 EN 101: WR core course

MA 181: MT core course; fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering (Not all students should begin with MA 181. Follow placement recommendations and advisor guidance in course selection.)

TRS 100: TRS-1 core course

Year One - Spring

MA 200Calculus II *


MA 218Probability and Statistics *


EN 102Composition II *


PH 100Introduction to Philosophy *


ME 101+Introduction to Mechanical Engineering


Total Credit Hours:15

EN 102: WR core course

PH 100: PH-1 core course

MA 200: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

MA 218: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ME 101: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Year Three - Fall

Fine Arts (FNA), Advanced History (HI-2), or Advanced Literature (LT-2) core course which is also WI and DSINQ (HI 322 recommended)


Advanced Theology/Religious Studies (TRS-2) core course *


Introductory Social Science (SS-1) core course in a second discipline *


ENGR 202+Dynamics


ME 341+Thermodynamics


Total Credit Hours:15

ENGR 202: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ME 341: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Year Three - Spring

MA 418Mathematical Modeling


ENGR 203+Mechanics of Materials


ENGR 206+Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering


ENGR 460+Engineering Economy


ME 322+Design of Machinery


Total Credit Hours:15

MA 418: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ENGR 203: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ENGR 206: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ENGR 460: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ME 322: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Year Two - Fall

PHYS 271General Physics I *


PHYS 271LGeneral Physics I Lab


SOC 131Principles of Sociology in Global Perspective *


EN Introductory Literature (LT-1) core course *


HI Introductory History (HI-1) core course *


ENGR 200+Computer Applications in Engineering


Total Credit Hours:15

PHYS 271: Second NS core course; fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

PHYS 271L: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

SOC-131: GP; SS-1 core course

ENGR 200: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Year Two - Spring

MA 221Multivariable Calculus


Philosophical Ethics (PH-E) core course *


PHYS 272General Physics II *


PHYS 272LGeneral Physics II Lab


ENGR 201+Statics


ME 201C+Student Design Lecture


Total Credit Hours:15

MA 221: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

PH: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

PHYS 272 and PHYS 272L: Fulfill a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ENGR 201: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

ME 201C: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Year Two - Summer

ME 201C+Student Design Lecture


Total Credit Hours:1

ME 201C: Fulfills a requirement for the UND degree in Mechanical Engineering

Courses marked with + are completed online through UND.

Courses marked with ++ are completed in person at UND.

* Fulfills Liberal Arts Core/University Requirements. See University Requirements and the Liberal Arts Core and the Course Descriptions for further information.