2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Pregnant and Parenting Students

According to the Law:

N.J.S. ยง 18A:3B-74

a. An institution of higher education offering associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degree programs shall be prohibited from requiring a student to take a leave of absence, withdraw from an associate, baccalaureate, or graduate program, or limit the student's studies solely due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related issues.

b. An institution of higher education offering associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degree programs shall provide reasonable accommodations to a pregnant student to enable the student to complete coursework and research. Reasonable accommodations to a pregnant student shall include, but need not be limited to, allowances for the student's health and safety, such as allowing the student to maintain a safe distance from hazardous substances, allowing the student to make up tests and assignments that are missed for pregnancy-related reasons, allowing a student to take a leave of absence, and excusing medically-necessary absences.

c. An institution of higher education offering associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degree programs shall develop and adopt a written policy for students on pregnancy discrimination and procedures for addressing pregnancy discrimination complaints under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. Sec.1681 et seq. or under P.L. 2016, c. 88 (C. 18A:3B-74 et seq.). A copy of the policy shall annually be made available to all faculty, staff, and employees. The policy shall be distributed to all students attending orientation sessions at the institution.


If you are a Kean University Student and require accommodations due to pregnancy (or pregnancy related conditions/issues), contact the Kean University Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) to apply for accommodations. OAS can be reached at (908) 737-4910 or via email at Accessibilityservices@kean.edu. If a medical leave is necessary please apply via Student Health Services or call (908) 737-4880 for assistance.

If you are a Kean University Employee and require accommodations due to pregnancy (or pregnancy related conditions/issues), please contact the Kean University ADA Coordinator, Yrelys Tapanes at (908) 737-3313, or via email at ytapanes@kean.edu.

Additionally, employees should review the Break Time for Nursing Mothers Policy.


If you are a Kean University student and believe that you have experienced an incident(s) of discrimination or harassment based on pregnancy (or pregnancy related conditions or issues), you have the right to file a complaint of discrimination. If you wish to file a complaint of discrimination, please use this form: Title IX Violation Reporting Form

If you are a Kean University employee and you believe you have experienced discrimination and/or harassment based on pregnancy (or pregnancy related conditions) and wish to file a complaint, please complete the Discrimination Complaint Processing Form (DPF-481) and submit it via email to the Office of Affirmative Action Programs at affiract@kean.edu.