2022-2023 Graduate Catalog


This course focuses on the importance of forensic social work practice with regard to the intersection of social work, public health, and the legal system. The criminal justice system at eh the adult level as well as juvenile delinquency and the juvenile justice system in the United States are covered during the course of the semester. Students will be educated on the historical analysis of mass incarceration while incorporating theories that help mental health professional understand the importance of social work practice in legally monitored settings. Health outcomes for those affected by mass incarceration as well as the reentry process will be demonstrated in the classroom lecture. Student will be exposed to factors that contribute to high risk behavior that lead to incarceration and alternative for those in illegal lifestyle practice. Understanding of the consequences on individuals, families and communities most impacted will be covered. Discriminating policies and disparities in incarcerated are embedded in this course alongside the practice of effective litigation that humanizing of clients served. During the course empowerment theories will be discussed that promote effective reintegration strategies and resiliency. After completing the course students will be knowledgeable of trauma related and other mental health outcomes negatively impacted by incarceration, legal monitoring corrections and court proceedings.




SW*5102, SW*5202, SW*5301, SW*5402, SW*5502, and SW*5601