2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

School of Integrative Science and Technology


Contact Information:


Dr. Keith A. Bostian, Dean

Dr. Derrick Swinton, Associate Dean for Research

Ms. Marianne Gass, Assistant to the Dean

Ms. Jill Fischer, Director, MS Genetic Counseling Program

Ms. Judy April, Coordinator of Student Services and Recruitment

Dr. Salvatore Coniglio, MS Biotechnology Program Coordinator


Main Offices for NJCSTM are located in the STEM Building Suite 513.

Phone (908) 737-7200

Email: njcste@kean.edu

Website:  www.kean.edu/stem


Academic Degrees Offered:


MS Biotechnology Science 


The Master of Science Program in Biotechnology Science is a 34-credit interdisciplinary program designed to prepare students for research in the fast-paced field of modern biotechnology and biopharmaceutical research & development. The program provides comprehensive training in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, bioinformatics, modern ‘omics’ and translational science. Students have the opportunity to engage with emerging biotech companies through the Institute for Life Science Entrepreneurship (ILSE), which is located on campus. Graduates become proficient in state-of-the-art technologies that are highly valued, by employers and advanced graduate programs.

NJCSTM’s Master’s degree program offers career-oriented students and professionals the ability to tailor your degree by selecting from four cutting-edge areas that are driving innovation in modern day biotechnology:

  • Advanced Biotechnology & Drug Discovery
  • Analytical Chemistry & Instrumentation
  • Bioinformatics & Genomic Sciences
  • Life Sciences Business Management

These options provide students with in depth theoretical knowledge and research training that goes beyond the traditional classroom experience.