2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog


Students will gain work experience and training outside the classroom setting in their STEM discipline, under the supervision of appropriate personnel in a governmental agency, nonprofit organization, or business allowing students to integrate classroom learning with the workplace. Students are required with the aid of university faculty and staff to identify possible internships and obtain sponsor commitment prior to registration. Projects are negotiated between an academic supervisor and the sponsor within the host organization, and may include research and product development, manufacturing, marketing or competitive analysis and due diligence, business or corporate development planning or activities, strategic planning, or any other negotiated project. As well as undertaking an agreed project, students will be involved in observations, meetings, clerical work and administration, to gain a clearer insight into the day-to-day functioning of the business. The internship experience and the requisite learning objective, reflection and analysis is an educational strategy linking classroom learning with the application of knowledge in an applied work or professional setting, enabling the assignment to reflect actively on both theory and practice. May be repeated for credit, up to a total of 6 credits; however, only 5 credits may be used to fulfill major elective requirements.
