2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

Schools and Faculty

School of Curriculum and Teaching

Programs in Early Childhood and Family Studies

Faculty: Chen, Mahmood, Rosen

Programs in Elementary and Bilingual Education

Faculty: DelRisco, Ippolito, Verdi, (Executive Director), Walko

Programs in Middle and Secondary Education

Faculty: Cahir, Del Risco, Kolodiy, Merlo, Pintado-Casas, Shepherd, Walsh, Weiner

School of Health and Human Performance

Athletic Training Faculty: Cleaves, DiVirgilio, Esposito, Lowy, Stavitz

Exercise Science Faculty: Andzel, Baxter, Eckart

Physical Education Faculty: Martinez, Olsen, Palgi, Pschorr, Rodrigues, Szekeres

Recreation Faculty: Griffin, Kim, McKenzie, Stavola-Daly

Health Faculty: Bonillas, Bowe, Curran, Gottshall

School of Special Education and Literacy

Faculty: Arafa, Kling, Lee, Polirstok, Rey, Sarokoff (Executive Director), Schuman, Strigari, Young