2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog


Dr. Heather Stokes-Huby, Chemistry Coordinator

Contact Number: 908-737-3676

Email: hhuby@kean.edu

Degrees Offered: 

B.A. in Chemistry

  • General Option

  • Preprofessional Option

  • Teacher Certification (P-12) Option

B.S. in Chemistry

  • ACS Certified Chemical Instrumentation Option

  • ACS Certified Expanded Option

Additional certification requirements:

Students interested in obtaining a chemistry teaching certification upon degree conferral (Teacher Certification Option) must submit a separate application. Please visit the Office of Teacher Certification for information regarding those instructions and the NJ Department of Education for information regarding the requirements specific to the respective certification.

Program Accreditation:

The Bachelors of Science options with the Chemistry program is certified by the American Chemical Society.

Admissions Requirements:

Prospective students must have a 2.0 GPA

Declaration Requirements:

In order to become a declared Chemistry major: students must have the minimum GPA (2.0)

Graduation Requirements:

Students must have the minimum GPA in order to graduate from this program. Students enrolled in the chemistry teacher option must have 3.0 GPA and all other options must have a 2.0 GPA at the time of graduation.

Program Description-all options:

The chemistry program recognizes its obligation to guide its students to think analytically, critically and creatively. Chemistry is a discipline that combines qualitative and quantitative reasoning. These discipline-based courses develop reasoning skills, which are required for solving scientific problems and for understanding current structural and behavioral models of matter.

The chemistry program is committed to offering major programs for those students wishing to concentrate their undergraduate studies in the field of chemistry. A program certified by the Committee on professional training of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is offered for those students wishing to undertake graduate study in chemistry or who wish to seek employment as chemists upon graduation. The chemistry program also offers a major program for students seeking entry into new and current technologies and to develop research skills through our undergraduate research program.

For information regarding College/program mission and student learning outcomes please see http://www.kean.edu/~sons/chemistry.html