2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Earth Science (B.S.)

The SESS students in the B.S. Degree program options will develop a strong foundation in the Earth Sciences while developing detailed expertise in one of the Concentrations and will apply their knowledge to the environment around them through specialized course work and individual and team-based scientific research projects. Students fully integrate the Earth Science domains of land, water, and air with regard to interactions, impacts, and processes relevant to life systems and hazards. They will be familiar with disciplinary content and methods, and have technical abilities from each.

All SESS Earth Sciences graduates will be fully prepared to pursue advanced graduate degrees within their own or related concentrations; for career opportunities in local, state, and federal government agencies associated with such areas as private weather services, natural resource management and conservation, geological survey, industrial and business applications, environmental monitoring, park management, Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing, conservation, and environmental assessment and for career tracks in local weather forecasting, energy, geology, and mapping industries. 

SESS students can receive degrees in the following Degree Program Options:

BS Degree in Earth Science,

Option in Geo-Science

BS Degree in Earth Science,

Option in Environmental Science