2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog


Biochemistry Honors I Laboratory will give students a comprehensive introduction to the experimental practice of biochemistry via hands-on experiences with instruments and techniques used in modern biochemical research. Laboratory activities will correspond directly with concepts and specific topics addressed in co-requisite lectures in Biochemistry Honors I (STME 3100), the introduction to the chemistry of biological molecules and systems and how they function in the cell. Specific techniques will include pipetting, reagent preparation, aseptic tehnique, centrifugation, bacterial growth and quantitation, spectrophotometry, plasmid strain growth, DNA extraction, agarose gel preparation and DNA electrophoresis, restriction endonuclease digests and plasmid mapping, computer-aided database access and virtual cloning, computer-aided 3D structure predictions, bacterial transformation with plasmids, cloning vector preparation, site-directed mutagenesis, protein production and purification, affinity chromatography, protein gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), native protein PAGE, gel analysis and characterization, and interpretation and statistical analysis of results. Type of Course: Required Course for Biology Education, Biomedicine and Molecular Biology. NJCSTM Programs Elective Course for all other NJCSTM Programs. Prerequisites: STME 2681 (Organic Chemistry I Honors) or CHEM 2581 (Organic Chemistry I) and currently taking or have taken STME 2682 (Organic Chemistry II Honors) or CHEM 2582 (Organic Chemistry II)
