2017-2018 Graduate Catalog

Academic Standards, Policies, and Procedures

Within this catalog are academic programs, standards and procedures that apply to students admitted to Kean University for the 2016 - 2017 academic year. The University will provide the student with the programs stated herein. However, the provisions of this publication are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and Kean. Degree and related academic requirements are subject to change. When such alteration takes place, it is not made retroactive unless it benefits the student and can be accommodated within the span of time normally needed for completion of degree requirements.

Academic Integrity Policy

(Approved by Kean University Board of Trustees June 25, 2012)

Kean University is aware of and sensitive to the pressures exerted by peers and family, work environment, the academic process, and society in general, and is committed to creating an environment in which academic integrity is supported and academic dishonesty is not tolerated. To that end, the University has taken steps to ensure that all members of the academic community are fully aware of the Academic Integrity Policy by: widely distributing the policy, posting it on the University’s website, identifying material on all course syllabi, and providing training to increase awareness of Academic Integrity issues among all members of the Kean University Community.

Thus, administrators, staff, Board of Trustees Members, and faculty at Kean University have an obligation to support academic integrity by ensuring that all members of the University community understand:

  • What constitutes academic integrity
  • How to prevent academic dishonesty
  • What sanctions are imposed for academic dishonesty
  • What consequences ensue as a result of such sanctions, and
  • What process is used to impose those sanctions

All members of the Kean Community shall actively engage in the academic process. In order to ensure compliance with the Academic Integrity Policy, administrators, faculty, staff, librarians, and students should:

  • Represent their identity truthfully in all situations
  • Protect their materials, including papers, tests, and other academic exercises, from unauthorized access
  • Protect their means of access to resources, including computer passwords and library access codes, from unauthorized use of the system
  • Respect the work of others by acknowledging their words, ideas, opinions, theories, data, programs, and other intellectual material in accordance with the guidelines of the discipline or other faculty instruction
  • Report data or source information accurately
  • Refuse to participate in activities that violate the Academic Integrity Policy
  • Read, understand, and comply with the code of ethics and/or clinical code of their chosen discipline, and
  • Represent their mastery of material truthfully and accurately.

The complete Kean University Academic Integrity Policy is found on the Kean website at: http://www.kean.edu/admin/uploads/pdf/AcademicIntegrityPolicy.pdf or obtain a copy from the Office of Academic Affairs in K-107.

Academic Probation and Dismissal

After a graduate student attempts six total graduate credits as a matriculated student, a 3.0 cumulative GPA must be achieved. Failure to meet this minimum may result in the student being placed on Academic Probation. Additionally, conditions of the probation may be set at the discretion of the Dean of the Graduate College and/or the Academic Standards Committee. 

Upon completion of 12 attempted graduate credits, if a student fails to achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.0, the student may be academically dismissed from Kean University. If the student achieves a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, they will be removed from academic probation. However, if at any time during subsequent semesters the student falls below a cumulative 3.0 GPA, they will be academically dismissed from Kean University. All notices of academic probation and/or dismissal will occur at the completion of the fall and spring academic semesters.

If a student is academically dismissed from Kean University, the student is entitled to appeal the dismissal to the Academic Standards Committee of the Graduate College. This committee will be comprised of the Dean of the Graduate College, as well as administrators and faculty members appointed by the Dean. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Dean of the Nathan Weiss Graduate College within seven calendar days of the letter of dismissal. Failure to adhere to this time frame can result in the committee’s refusal to hear the appeal. No in-person appeals will be accepted. All appeals will be reviewed within a reasonable time frame and the committee’s decision will be communicated via an official letter from the University. A dismissed student does not have the opportunity to appeal the Committee’s final decision. 

If a student is academically dismissed from Kean University, they will have the opportunity to apply for reinstatement at no time earlier than two subsequent semesters. For example, if a student is dismissed after the spring semester, that student would not be eligible to apply for reinstatement until the following spring, with an anticipated start term of the following fall semester. An appeal for reinstatement must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of the Nathan Weiss Graduate College no later than the December 1 for a spring reinstatement or June 1 for a fall reinstatement. Included with the appeal should be any supporting documentation which can include, but is not limited to: proof of academic growth, in the form of taking non-matriculated courses at another college/university, letter(s) of recommendation, or a personal statement expressing the student’s growth, both academically and personally. The reinstatement appeal will be reviewed by the Office of the Dean of the Nathan Weiss Graduate College and a recommendation will be sent to the Academic Standards Committee as to grant or deny reinstatement. The Committee’s decision is final and there is no further provision for appeal beyond that review.

*The Academic Standards Committee reserves the right to make decisions regarding academic probation and dismissal based on a student’s academic performance at their discretion. Some graduate programs may have additional requirements and/or conditions. Please review your department’s requirements with your respective Pro-gram Coordinator, as well as all published handbooks.

Access to Education Records (FERPA)

FERPA Policy Revision Effective January 2018


Kean University collects data and information about students in order to facilitate their educational development. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 and the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 delineate the rights of students to be informed of the existence of this information, to have access to it, and the conditions under which information about students may be disclosed to others. A copy of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is available in the Office of the Registrar. The material below specifies the Kean University policy and procedures for complying with FERPA. All employees of the University who handle student records are bound by the Kean policy and procedures.

General Policy Statement

Information from student educational records may be shared within the university by officials with a “legitimate educational interest” (as defined in this document) in such information. Information from records, files, and data directly related to a student shall not be disclosed by any means to individuals or agencies outside the university without the written consent of the student, except in response to directory information or to a subpoena or court order, or in those cases of specifically designated educational and governmental officials as required by FERPA and explained below.


A student is defined as an individual currently or previously enrolled in any academic offering of the university.

Student Records

Educational records are those which contain information directly related to the student. Records originating at another institution are also subject to this policy. Educational records include the following:

Record Location
Admissions Records Admissions Office, Graduate Office, Office of the Registrar, Kean Ocean Processing Center
Career Placement Records Center for Academic Success
Cumulative Academic Records Graduate Office, Office of the Registrar, Kean Ocean Administrative Office
Disciplinary Records Vice President for Student Affairs, Residence Life
Health Records Health Services
Financial Records Financial Aid, Student Accounting Kean Ocean Administrative Office

Excluded from the definition of student educational records are records or notes of instructional and administrative personnel which are in the sole possession of the individual. Records exempt include the notes of a professor or staff member concerning a student and intended for that individual’s own use; information maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or paraprofessional used in connection with the provision of treatment; and alumni records.

University Officials Responsible for Student Records

The Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Executive Vice President for Operations, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, and the Dean of the Nathan Weiss Graduate College are responsible for student records within their respective areas.

Directory (Public) Information

Kean University designates the following items as Directory Information:

Category I Student name, permanent local, and email address, phone number, dates of attendance, class, date of graduation
Category II Degrees and awards conferred, major
Category III Weight and height of members of athletic teams
Category IV Photographic, video, or electronic images

This information is regarded as public, and the University may disclose any of these items without prior written consent. The student is entitled to request that any or all categories of this information not be made publicly available. Such a request must be made in writing to the Registrar on an annual basis. Requests must be filed within 10 days after the start of the fall or spring semester and shall remain in effect until the next fall semester.

Student Rights to Inspect Education Records

A student has the right to inspect and review his or her educational records. To do so, the student must submit a request in writing to the director of the office in which the record is located. This official must respond within 45 days of the request by arranging an appointment for the student to view the records. When a record contains information about more than one student, the student may inspect and review only the records which relate to him or her. The student is also entitled to copies of his or her records generated at Kean University at a reasonable administrative cost.

Educational records will not be released to the student or any third party if the student has a financial obligation or if a serious academic and/or a disciplinary matter involving the student remains unresolved.

Recommendation letters and other information obtained or prepared prior to January 1, 1975, which were written on the assumption of confidentiality, will not be made available to the student.

Disclosure to Others

Kean will disclose information from a student’s education records only with the written consent of the student, (for more information on the FERPA/Student Educational Records Release, go to except if required by university officials with “legitimate educational interest,” defined in part A, below, or in those cases delineated in part B, below.

  1. University officials with “legitimate educational interest” are those with general or specific responsibility for promoting the educational objectives of the University. This includes individuals within the institution involved in teaching, research and related activities such as academic advising, counseling, academic support, supervision of co-curricular activities, official University committees or clubs, financial assistance, medical services, and job placement.

    A university official is a person employed by the university in administrative, supervisory, academic, or research, or support staff positions. This includes members of the Board of Trustees and person employed by or under contract to the University to perform special tasks, such as the attorney or auditor.

    University officials have “legitimate educational interest” if they are:

    performing a task that is specified in their job description

    performing a task related to a student’s education

    performing a task related to the discipline of a student

    performing a service or benefit relating to the student or student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement, or financial aid assistance.

    Clerical personnel employed to assist university officials in their job performance, may also be granted access to student records. Access by all personnel is restricted to that part of the student record necessary for the discharge of assigned duties.

  2. Information may also be disclosed without the written consent of the student if requested under the circumstances delineated below:
    1. By federal and state authorities. Student records may be disclosed to certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Comptroller General, and state and local educational authorities, in connection with certain state or federally supported education programs.
    2. By other educational institutions. Disclosure of appropriate academic records may be made to officials of other educational institutions to which the student has applied or intends to enroll.
    3. In response to a judicial order. Information concerning a student shall be released if properly subpoenaed pursuant to a judicial, legislative, or administrative proceeding. In the case of a judicial order or a subpoena, the University will make a reasonable effort to notify the student of the order or subpoena in advance of compliance.
    4. In support of financial aid requests. Information from student records may be released in connection with a student’s request for financial aid as necessary to determine eligibility or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.
    5. If mandated by a state law requiring disclosure that was adopted prior to November 1994.
    6. By educational agencies conducting research. Information which will not permit the individual identification of students may be released to educational agencies for research or for the development of predictive tests. Information may also be released to organizations conducting certain studies on behalf of the University. In these cases, the information may not be used in any way that permits identification of an individual student.
    7. By accrediting agencies. Information may be released to accrediting agencies to enable them to carry out their functions.
    8. In case of emergency. On an emergency basis, information about a student may be released by the Registrar when that information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or other individuals.
    9. To parents of dependent students. Information concerning a student who is dependent, within the meaning of section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, may be released to that student’s parents. For purposes of this policy, unless information is presented that the student is, in fact, a dependent, students will be assumed not to be dependent. Parents who wish to provide such information should be referred to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
    10. Parental notification of drug and alcohol violations, Section 952 of the 1998 Amendments to the FERPA, authorizes the University to inform a parent or legal guardian of any student under the age of 21, who has been found in violation of any law or University policy governing the use or possession of alcohol or controlled substances. For purposes of this policy, the University will first notify the student of its intent to notify the student’s family. The family will then be notified unless it is determined that such communication will put the student at risk. (See Drug and Alcohol Policy at http://www.kean.edu/policies/drug-alcohol-policy).

Record of Requests for Disclosure

Kean will maintain a record of all requests for and/or disclosure of information to outside agencies from a student’s educational record. The record will indicate the name of the party making the request, any additional party to whom it may be disclosed, and the legitimate interest the party has in requesting or obtaining the information. This record may be reviewed by the student.

Correction of Education Records

Students have the right to ask to have records corrected that they believe are inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the privacy rights. The substantive judgment of a faculty member about a student’s work, expressed in grades or other evaluations, is not within the scope of this right to challenge information.

To challenge his or her record, a student must submit a request to amend the record to the University official in whose area of responsibility the material is kept. The official may comply with the request and correct the material or the official may rule against changing the record. If the official decides not to comply, the student will be notified of the decision and advised of his or her right to a hearing to challenge the information believed to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of his or her rights.

The hearing must be held within three weeks of the request and the student notified of the time, date, and place in advance of the hearing.

The hearing will be conducted by a hearing officer who is a disinterested party. He or she may, however, be an official of the University. The student will be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised in the original request to amend his or her records. The student may be represented by an individual of his or her choosing, including an attorney (at the student’s expense).

Within two weeks of the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer will prepare a written decision based solely on evidence presented at the hearing. The decision will include a summary of the evidence presented and the reasons for the decision.

If it is decided that the challenged information is not inaccurate, misleading, or in violation if the student’s right of privacy, the University will notify the student that he or she has a right to place in the record a statement commenting on the challenged information and setting forth reasons for disagreeing with the decision. This statement will be maintained as part of the student’s education records as long as the contested portion is maintained. If the University discloses the contested portion of the record, it must also disclose the statement.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the Department of Education concerning alleged failures of the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

Registrar, Kean Ocean
Registrar, Kean Ocean

Assessment of Student Learning and Development

In order for the University to assess and improve its academic programs and student services, periodic measurements of student perceptions and learning must be obtained. As a component of the assessment program developed by Kean University, faculty teaching in academic programs and staff professionals providing student services may require (in their own respective areas) students to participate in one or more evaluative procedures. Assessment activities may include examinations and performances as well as surveys and questionnaires about students’ experiences. The assessment information obtained will be used to improve the quality of educational experiences for students, and ensure the integrity of degrees earned at Kean University.

For information regarding program student learning outcomes please see the listing of College and Program Assessment Plans at http://www.kean.edu/KU/Kean-University-Assessment-System.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is expected in all courses. Attendance will be a component of the grade of any course if so stated in the syllabus. Students are responsible for informing the instructor in advance or in a timely manner of the reasons for their absence. Instructors in consultation with their executive directors/department chairs are expected to respect University practices and policies regarding what counts as an excused absence. Typically excused absences include illness, bereavement or religious observances. Serious tardiness may be dealt with at the discretion of the instructor.

Observance of a religious holiday is to be considered an excused absence from class for any student. If a student misses a scheduled examination or other announced assignment because of observance of a religious holiday, the student and instructor shall agree upon a mutually convenient time as an alternate date for completion of the assignment.

Change of Non-Resident Status

Students classified as non-residents subsequent to their first semester must complete a petition for New Jersey Resident Tuition Classification in order to change their non-residency status for tuition purposes. This petition must be filed prior to the start of the semester for which a change of residency is requested. Students will be expected to substantiate their request with sufficient proof that they qualify for New Jersey resident rates.

Students living in New Jersey for the sole purpose of obtaining their education are not eligible for resident rates. For a copy of the petition or for further information concerning New Jersey residency, contact the Office of the Registrar, 1st floor, Administration Building, or call (908) 737-3290. Kean Ocean students can contact the Kean Ocean Administrative Office, Gateway 103, 732-255-0356.

Change of Program

Changing from one academic program to another is not automatic. This process is facilitated by the Office of the Registrar. The Change of Program Request form is available at: http://grad.kean.edu/forms

Student must meet with the coordinator of the prospective program to ensure that they meet the admission criteria for the new program. The student then has the responsibility to follow through on the change by having an exit interview with the former program coordinator. It must be understood that graduate credits may be lost in the process of program change. The final approval is obtained by the Office of the Registrar.

Class Syllabus: Communication of Course Requirements to Students

Instructors are required to communicate to students in writing at the start of the semester essential information about the course.

The required syllabus templates are available to instructors via the following link:


  1. At a minimum, a class syllabus includes:
  2. Course name, number, section
  3. Semester
  4. Instructor contact information, including phone number, e-mail address and faculty office location
  5. Faculty office hours (times/place)
  6. Prerequisites, if any, to the course (Students who have not met the required prerequisites should be asked to withdraw)
  7. Required textbooks
  8. Course objectives
  9. Outline of course content
  10. Course requirements, methods of evaluation, and the basis by which the final grade is derived
  11. Special features of the course e.g., field trips or visits to facilities off campus
  12. Academic deadlines e.g., the last day to withdraw and the last day to declare P/F op­tion
  13. Academic Integrity Policy (available at the Center for Academic Success or at http://www.kean.edu/admin/uploads/pdf/AcademicIntegrityPolicy.pdf
  14. Student Code of Conduct, as it discusses expectations of appropriate conduct in the classroom: http://www.kean.edu/KU/Code-of-Conduct
  15. Information on CampusAlert, the University’s emergency notification system (www.mir3.com/kean). Students are encouraged to register in the system in order to be informed of campus emergencies, weather notices and other announcements. Kean Ocean students should follow the Ocean County College webpage and notification system for campus emergencies and weather notices.
  16. All students must have a valid Kean email account. For those who do not already have one, forms are available on-line at http://www.kean.edu/KU/Forms-OCIS; click on E-mail Account Request Form.

The course syllabus is a contract between the faculty member and the student. Changes in course requirements made after the start of the semester should also be communicated in writing to students. Students, in turn, are responsible for meeting the requirements of the course as delineated in the syllabus and for requesting clarification from the instructor on items not clear in the syllabus. Students who experience difficulty in meeting course requirements should discuss their situation with the instructor and seek help. For more information about the course syllabus, please go to http://syllabus.kean.edu or contact your program’s Executive Director, Chairperson, or Dean’s Office.

Class Syllabus: Notice for Laboratory Courses

Reproductive Hazards:

Reproductive hazards are substances or agents that may affect the reproductive health of women or men or the ability of couples to have healthy children. Efforts have been made to eliminate the use of known reproductive hazards in our labs. However, the vast majority of laboratory chemicals have never been tested by the manufacturer or by any governmental agency. As a result, their effect on a developing fetus is unknown; female students must assume that each chemical used in this lab presents a hazard to an unborn child. If you are pregnant, become pregnant or are planning to become pregnant during the semester, you are strongly encouraged to speak privately with your instructor who will be able to provide written health and safety information about each chemical that will be used in the class. You are asked to review and discuss this information with your healthcare provider.

After you have reviewed the information, you can choose to:

  1. Continue your enrollment in the lab - You will be asked to sign a waiver and will be expected to follow a strict set of health and safety procedures while in the lab.
  2. Withdraw from the lab - Your instructor will assist you in creating a plan to complete the course at a later date.

Administrative Procedures for Faculty and Staff:

If a student voluntarily discloses to you that she is pregnant or is planning to become pregnant while enrolled in a laboratory class, please treat the information as confidential protected health information.

The instructor should contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) (908-737-5109, skupiec@kean.edu) for assistance, and should be prepared to provide a list of all chemical substances that will be used in the class. EHS will gather safety data sheets for the substances, conduct a risk assessment, and prepare a set of health and safety instructions for the student. EHS will also notify Kean’s University Council of the need to prepare a waiver.

EHS will provide the safety data sheets, the health and safety instructions, and the waiver to the instructor. The instructor will send the information to the student via email, and allow her time to review the material and to choose whether to stay in the lab or not. If she chooses to withdraw, the instructor should contact the Dean’s office for assistance. If she chooses to remain enrolled in the course, ensure that she signs the waiver, and follows the health and safety instructions provided.

Comprehensive Examinations

A number of Master’s degree programs require a comprehensive examination. Its purpose is to enable the graduate student to integrate the course work of a specific program and to be able to illustrate its application in professional settings. Stu-dents are encouraged to discuss with their advisors at the time of admission the goals and objectives to be achieved during the course of the program.

Comprehensive examinations are prepared by program faculty for each area of specialization and are administered mainly during the fall and spring semesters as scheduled. The exam may be taken only after a student has successfully completed a minimum of 21 graduate credits in a specific program, and has maintained a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Intent to take the exam must be filed with the Office of Graduate Student Services at least three weeks prior to the scheduled examination dates for each program.

Applications for the Comprehensive Exam are available in the Office of Graduate Student Services, or at grad.kean.edu.

The examination is submitted anonymously to faculty for reading and is graded as follows:

  • Pass with Commendation
  • Pass
  • Pass with Condition
  • Fail

In the event of failure, a student may be permitted to take a second comprehensive examination subject to the approval of the program coordinator. In the event of a second failure, a student may appeal to take the examination for a third and final time. The appeal must be recommended by the Program Coordinator, the Department Chairperson and approved by the Dean of the Academic College. If the appeal is approved, the student may sit for the examination no sooner than the next regularly scheduled administration for that program.

One Stop Service Center (Office of the Registrar)

Office of the Registrar
Administration Building, 1st Floor
T: 908.737.3290

The One-Stop Service Center provides Kean University’s students and community quality student services at a convenient and central location. Located at the Office of the Registrar, the center is a starting point for assisting newly accepted and continuing students with navigating Kean University administratively and academically. Students are able to get assistance, ask questions, and get pointed in the right direction with regards to registration concerns, transfer and graduate services, general student accounting and financial aid information. The One-Stop Service Center also serves to handle matters normally handled by the Office of the Registrar. The Center is the student’s home for Academic Services from entrance to the University through graduation. There is always a friendly staff member to assist students with their questions and concerns.

For a list of services and links to commonly-used forms, visit: http://www.kean.edu/offices/registrar/one-stop-service-center

Cooperative Education

At Kean University, titles of the co-op experience vary; they may be designated as internships, apprenticeships, or co-op education. Further information may be obtained by contacting the respective School’s Executive Director or the Department Chairperson.

Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar provides services regarding:

  • class registrations
  • academic records
  • grade re-calculations (Undergraduate courses only)
  • graduation/transfer evaluations
  • name and address changes
  • enrollment verifications
  • academic transcripts
  • degree audits (including the evaluation of transfer credits)
  • student success and retention initiatives
  • readmission/reactivation
  • Graduate Student Services

Course Load

Maximum course loads are established per semester as follows:

  • Part-time students: 1-8 credits per semester (excludes summer and winter terms)
  • Full-time students: 9-12 credits per semester (excludes summer and winter terms)

Any increase in the maximum course load must have prior written approval from the Program Coordinator and the Office of Graduate Student Services.

During the summer semester(s), the following maximum course loads are established as:

  • Part-time students: 1-5 credits per semester.
  • Full-time students: 6 credits per semester.

Any increase in the maximum course load must have prior written approval of the Office of Graduate Student Services. Students may only be enrolled in one graduate program at a time.

Degree Requirements

Graduate degrees and Professional Diploma are conferred by the authority of the Kean University Board of Trustees. To qualify, a student must be fully matriculated in a graduate program of the University and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Degree requirements must be completed within six years from the date of the first course applied towards the degree, which may also include six credits of approved graduate courses earned at another accredited institution, not credited toward another degree, with a grade of “B” or better. Successful completion of six credits taken as a non-matriculated student does not guarantee admission.

Graduate students are allowed to receive a maximum of two grades of “C.” Any additional grades of “C” must be repeated. Grades of “F,” “IN,” “AF,” and “NC” require repeating to meet college and/or course requirements.

Release of Documents from Student Files

Students have the right to inspect and review their educational records in accordance with the

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). However, documents submitted to the University become the property of the University and Kean University will not later release copies of those documents. Students needing copies of records must contact the originating source of the respective document. If the originating source is not available, students may contact the Office of the Registrar for further guidance.

Grade Grievances

If a student believes that he or she has not been graded fairly in a course, it is the student’s right to initiate a grade grievance. A formal process exists for the resolution of such problems. The overall guidelines are basically uniform from academic program to academic program, with each free to develop specific procedures within these guidelines. Requests for reconsideration of a grade must be brought to the faculty member as soon as possible after the conclusion of the course and no later than the end of the eighth week of the subsequent fall or spring semester. The steps in the process are outlined below; it is understood that if a satisfactory resolution is reached at any level, the process ends. If at a given step either party is dissatisfied with the proposed resolution, the dissatisfied party may request reconsideration to the next level. Decisions by the college dean are final, with no provision for further appeal beyond that point.

  1. The student meets with the faculty member to request information about the faculty member’s grading decision or evaluative judgment. If after receiving an explanation from the faculty member, the student remains dissatisfied, he or she may request reconsideration of the grade by the department chairperson/executive director/designee.
  2. The student meets with the department chairperson/executive director/designee to discuss the assigned grade. The chairperson/executive director may choose to intervene directly at this point and attempt to seek a resolution or may decide to refer the question to the academic program’s grievance committee and convene the committee in accordance with the program’s policies and procedures.
  3. The academic program’s grievance committee, comprising faculty members and at least one student, hears the grievance. The committee determines (in accordance with prevailing program practices and the specifics of the particular grievance) a procedure to follow. Both the student and faculty member might be asked to submit materials in writing, or both might be invited or required to appear before the committee. The committee may schedule these meetings so that the parties appear separately or together. Additional information may be requested by the committee as needed.
  4. The grievance committee makes a determination and notifies the student and faculty member in writing of its decision.
  5. If the decision of the grievance committee is not acceptable to either of the parties involved or if implementation of the decision requires the attention of the college dean, the grievance is brought to the dean for resolution and all relevant materials are forwarded to the dean’s office.
  6. The final grade must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar before the degree is posted. Once the degree has been posted, the academic record is frozen and no changes are permitted.

Grade Point Average

The student’s overall academic standing is indicated by a grade point average. The grade point average is determined by dividing the total grade points earned by the total number of semester hours calculated. Numerical points for each letter grade is listed above. The cumulative average is determined only on courses taken at Kean University. Graduate students are allowed to a receive a maximum of two grades of “C.” Any additional grades of “C” must be repeated. Grades of “F,” “IN,” “AF,” and “NC” require repeating to meet college and/or course requirements.

Omissions or errors in grade compilation should immediately be reported to the Office of the Registrar. Questions regarding letter grades assigned by an instructor should be discussed directly with the instructor as soon as possible and no later than the last day of the eighth week of the subsequent major (fall or spring) semester. This timeline does not apply to graduating seniors; change of grades must be completed no later than two weeks after the graduation date. Example: For May degree candidates the change of grade must be completed no later than two weeks after the May ceremony. For January and August candidates, no later than the end of the month. A change of grade will not be per-mitted after the degree has been posted.

Grading System

The Nathan Weiss Graduate College, along with all graduate programs of study evaluates all students based on the following grading policy:

Grade Explanation Quality Points
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
F 0
IN Incomplete 0
CG Complete 0
AF Administrative Failure 0
AU Audit 0
W/WD Withdrawn 0
NC No Credit 0

Graduation Information

Application for Graduate Degrees

Students who are candidates for graduate degrees must file an application with the Office of the Registrar. Application deadlines are posted at grad.kean.edu/current-students.

Each application must be accompanied by a paid receipt of the graduation fee noted on the application. A student’s academic record will not be evaluated for graduation unless the application has been filed prior to the deadline. Applications are available online at grad.kean.edu.

Awarding of Degrees

Formal commencement exercises are held each year at the close of the spring semester. Diplomas also are available in January and August for students who complete degree requirements during the fall semester or the summer session.

January graduates and May and August candidates will be invited to participate in the formal May commencement ceremony. To participate in the May commencement ceremony, all required coursework must be completed by the end of Summer II session of the same year.

Graduation with Distinction

Graduate students who have completed their degree requirements with a cumulative grade point average of 4.0 and a commendation on their Graduate Comprehensive Exam (when required) are recognized as graduating with distinction.

The grades from all graduate level courses, including those transferred in from another institution and those that appear on an undergraduate transcript, are included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.

Graduation with Distinction will be recognized through a letter from the Dean of the Nathan Weiss Graduate College and such a notation will appear on the student’s transcript and diploma.


A grade of incomplete (IN, IP, IC) may be reported for a student who has completed course requirements throughout the semester and then because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause has been unable to take the final examination or to complete a limited amount of assigned work due near the end of the semester. Unsubstantiated absences from class may not be used to justify an incomplete grade.

Class attendance in subsequent semesters may not be required by the instructor as a condition for removal of the incomplete grade. If a substantial amount of work has been missed for medical or other valid reasons, the student should petition the college dean to be withdrawn from all courses.

It is the responsibility of the student to initiate a request for a grade of incomplete by contacting the instructor of the course and filling out the form “Conditions for an Incomplete Grade and Its Removal.” The instructor of the course must receive this request prior to the submission of grades at the end of the semester. If no such request is received or if the instructor judges the request unacceptable, an appropriate semester grade shall be submitted based upon the student’s attainment of the stated goals of the course.

It is the student’s responsibility to make up the examination or other work prescribed in a contract written by the instructor as part of the above form. This contract will also indicate the final grade to be assigned if the student’s unfinished work is not completed by a specific date. The prescribed time period will be no later than the last day of the eleventh week of the fall or spring semester immediately following the receipt of the incomplete grade. An earlier deadline may be agreed upon by the instructor and the student and in most cases it is expected that a shorter period of time will be specified in the contract for the removal of the IN, IP and IC. This time line does not apply to graduating students; incomplete grades must be completed no later than two weeks after the graduation date. Example: For May degree candidates incomplete grades must be completed no later than two weeks after the May ceremony; for January and August candidates, no later than the end of the month of graduation.

When the student has made up the assignment(s) or taken the examination on time, the instructor forwards a change of grade form for action by the executive director/department chairperson and the college dean. The dean then transmits the form to the Office of the Registrar for processing the grade change. If the student has not completed the work according to schedule, the instructor reports as the final grade for the semester the grade recorded in the contract worked out with the student. The final grade must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar before the degree is posted to the student’s record. Once the degree has been posted, the academic record is frozen and no changes are permitted.

Independent Study

A matriculated Graduate student who has completed a minimum number of graduate credits in his/ her program with a minimum grade point average of 3.0, may apply to take an independent study to cover a course in his or her degree program if the course is not offered prior to graduation.

The student must obtain written approval of the faculty sponsor, program coordinator, and the Office of the Registrar prior to registration. Students who register for independent study without obtaining the required approvals will have their registration forfeited. The application form is available at http://www.kean.edu/offices/registrar/forms-and-policies. Each student is limited to a maximum of two independent studies per program, with permission as noted above. Fall independent study work may be considered for a Spring Research Days presentation as recommended by the supervising faculty member.

Kean Online

Kean University offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs as well as courses fully online. Students in these courses experience no required face to face meetings as all work is done through Blackboard and other technological modalities. A typical course includes lectures, discussions, assignments and a variety of instructional resources. Online courses are usually offered in eight week accelerated sessions which means that students will be working at twice the pace of a typical semester long course. Students in online courses have access to 24/7 technical support and tutoring. More information about Kean Online, it's programs, benefits and how it works can be found at http://www.kean.edu/~KON

Leave of Absence

Students who must leave the University temporarily either for medical or personal reasons may request a leave of absence. Medical leaves are processed by the Office of Health Services (www.kean.edu/offices/health-services/our-services); or the Counseling Center (www.kean.edu/offices/counseling-center), as appropriate.

Students who request a leave of absence after a semester has begun should do so no later than one week past mid-semester. The ordinary length of a leave of absence is a semester; students requesting a leave of absence for two consecutive semesters will need to reapply for readmission to the University. In unusual circumstances the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs may approve a renewal of leave for the semester immediately following.

Military personnel called for active duty that requires a leave from the University must bring a copy of their activation orders to the staff of Veteran Student Services in the Center for Academic Success (CAS 208). Military service members returning from active duty should contact the Office of Verteran Student Services for readmission.  To return to the University from a preapproved leave of absence, the student should contact the One-Stop Service Center located in the Office of the Registrar (Administration Building 1st floor) to request permission to register for the semester.

The above provisions apply to full-time and part-time students in good standing. Good standing is defined as follows: a cumulative grade point average at the completion of the semester prior to request for leave of absence that meets the minimum academic requirements of the University (2.0 or better); all financial and other obligations to the University have been met in full; and there is no disciplinary probation/suspension/dismissal in effect.

New Jersey Resident Tuition Requirement

In order to qualify for the New Jersey resident tuition rate, the student, if financially independent, or the parent or legal guardian on whom the student is financially dependent, must:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen or have permanent residency in the United States, and
  2. Have a bona fide domicile in the state of New Jersey for at least one year prior to the start of the semester. Students who do not fulfill the above requirements will be considered non-residents for tuition purposes and will be charged non-resident rates.

Students who hold temporary visas to the United States are considered to be New Jersey non-residents. The University reserves the right to require a student to prove New Jersey residency for a given semester.

Non-Academic Dismissal

When the actions of a student are judged by competent authority, using established procedure, to be detrimental to the interests of the University community, that person may be required to withdraw.


Matriculated students (not on leave of absence) who have not completed courses and received grades for two consecutive semesters (missed consecutive fall and spring or spring and fall semesters, excluding all summers) are no longer considered active students and must apply for reactivation to the university. A reactivation application must be filed no later than one week prior to the first day of classes for the semester. For more information, please see the Office of the Registrar. Students who have missed two consecutive semesters because they are called up for active military duty do not have to reapply. These students should contact the Office of the Registrar at least one week prior to the start of the term in order to reactivate their accounts.


Students who have not taken any courses for six consecutive semesters, (not including summer or winter terms) must re-apply to the University. This includes sub-mission of a complete Application for Graduate Admission, along with all required supporting materials. For more in-formation, please see the Office of University Admissions.


All students register online via KeanWISE. Priority for the registration period is determined by the number of credits earned toward the degree. Students who do not take advantage of their designated credit registration time, will be able to register during the ongoing registration cycle. The University does not guarantee offering all courses listed in this catalog. When there is inadequate registration for a course, it may be cancelled without notice. The registrar will notify students of course cancellations via their Kean Google email accounts. Room changes are updated in the online schedule and students are encouraged to review their schedules for any changes prior to the beginning of classes each semester.

Semester Credit Hour

Under the NJ State Administrative Code, Title 9A, a "semester credit hour" is defined as “150 minutes of academic work each week for 15 weeks in one semester, which is typically accomplished by 50 minutes of face-to-face class activity each week complemented by at least 100 minutes each week of laboratory or outside assignments (or the equivalent thereof for semesters of different length) but may also be accomplished through an equivalent amount of academic work as established by an institution, which may include additional class time, laboratory work, internships, practical studio work, and other forms of academic work” (NJ Administrative Code, Title 9A-Higher Education).

Standards for Written Work

All graduate research papers must meet acceptable University standards for written work. Students are advised to check with their instructor to determine the appropriate disciplinary standards for written materials.

Thesis Option – ID 5800/5801

The thesis option (ID 5800/ID 5801) may be taken in some programs, with permission of the program coordinator, in lieu of the Advanced Seminar. Students considering completion of a graduate thesis must have successfully completed 21 graduate credits in their program with a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Students must also possess a strong background in re-search methodology and writing, extensive knowledge of the field in which the work is to be undertaken, and a clear concept of the problem to be investigated. Prior approval must be obtained from the program coordinator as well as the con-sent of the graduate faculty member who will serve as sponsor, along with final approval of the appropriate College Dean. The approved application must be filed with the Office of the Registrar prior to registration for the thesis. Completion of the thesis may require six credits, which may be taken over a two semester sequence (registration for ID 5800 is required each semester), or in one semester (ID 5801).

Approval and Disposition of Thesis

Final approval is determined by the sponsoring faculty member. Should questions arise as to the acceptability of a thesis, other members of the graduate faculty in the department may be consulted.

Time Limit/Request For Extension

Time Limit

A graduate program must be completed within a six year time limit, with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better.

Request For Extension

If circumstances prevent a student from completing a program within the required six-year time frame, an extension may be considered upon submission of a formal request to the Office of the Registrar. Students are encouraged to consult with their program coordinators for more information. 

The request form is available online at grad.kean.edu/forms.

Transcript Requests

Official transcripts must be requested online at www.getmytranscript.org.  Detailed instructions and information about delivery options and processing times is provided at www.getmytranscipt.org.

Exception: Students who attended prior to Fall 1980 must instead complete the Transcript Request Form and bring or mail it to the Office of the Registrar (Administration Building First Floor, 1000 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ 07083). This form is available online at: http://www.kean.edu/sites/default/files/u4/Transcript_Request_Form.pdf.

Transcript fee is $10.00 per official copy (the $10.00 fee covers all undergraduate and graduate coursework). Transcripts will not be released to those with outstanding obligations to the University.

Transfer Credit

A maximum of six credits may be transferred providing the course(s) are applicable to the program to which it is being applied, is approved by the program coordinator, the grade is “B” or better, and the course(s) fall within the six year time limit requirement for completion of programs. Transfer Request forms are available online at grad.kean.edu/forms.

No course may be transferred unless documented on an official transcript from the college or university at which the course was taken. Courses applied towards a previous degree may not be credited towards another degree.

Visiting Students

Visiting students who are enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs at a regionally accredited college or university must have the home institution certify part IV of the Request for Registration Eligibility Form which is available online at: http://www.kean.edu/offices/registrar/forms-and-policies. A verification of current enrollment from the home institution may be substituted for this requirement.

Any student in need of accommodations due to a disability should contact the Office of Disability Services, 122 Downs Hall, 908-737-4910 or disabilityservices@kean.edu.

Withdrawal from a Course

In order to withdraw from one or more courses a student must do one of the following:

  • do so in person, presenting a valid photo ID at the Office of the Registrar (Administration Building, First Floor) or Kean Ocean Administrative Office, (Gateway 103).
  • submit a signed, dated letter (listing the student ID number, phone numbers, and sufficient information to identify the course section to be dropped) or a completed withdrawal form to the Office of the Registrar or Kean Ocean Administrative Office. The withdrawal form is available in the Forms and Policies section of the Registrar's website.
  • submit an email, from your personal Kean email account, to regme@kean.edu (include your student ID number, phone numbers, and sufficient information to identify the course section to be dropped). 

For security and privacy purposes, requests for withdrawal via the phone or non-Kean email accounts will not be processed. 

The request must be received in the Office of the Registrar/Kean Ocean Administrative Office or postmarked by the published deadlines found on the Academic Calendar.

The withdrawal or "W" grade is not counted in the cumulative grade point average.

Any student who does not officially withdraw on or before the published deadlines found on the Academic Calendar will be given a letter grade that reflects his or her achievement in the course.

If you are a financial aid recipient, please note the following:

  • Withdrawal from any course could result in a decrease in assistance, per Kean's Financial Aid withdrawal policy. This could create (or increase) a balance due to the University.

For more information, contact the Office of Financial Aid by calling 908-737-3190 or emaiing finaid@kean.edu.

Withdrawal from Program

Matriculated students who wish to withdraw from a program must submit their request to the Office of the Registrar in writing.