ARTS 101 Art History 1

This course presents a survey of the history of art from prehistoric times through the Gothic period in Europe.  Slide lectures, gallery visits and discussions will be employed so that the visual literacy of students will be enhanced.


3 Credits

Semester Contact Hours Lecture


General Education Competency

GEM Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing

ARTS 101Art History 1

Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.

I. General Information


Visual Art

II. Course Specification

Course Type

General Education

General Education Competency

GEM Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing

Credit Hours Narrative

3 Credits

Semester Contact Hours Lecture


Grading Method

Letter grade



III. Catalog Course Description

This course presents a survey of the history of art from prehistoric times through the Gothic period in Europe.  Slide lectures, gallery visits and discussions will be employed so that the visual literacy of students will be enhanced.

IV. Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  • Understand the techniques and processes used to make historical objects.
  • Familiarize themselves with the formal aspects of art making.
  • Recognize themes and strategies of iconography and other expressive content embodied in artwork.
  • Recognize the styles and periods in the history of art.
  • Discover what makes art meaningful and why it was made.
  • Enter the workforce assisting in gallery/museum work or art education.

V. Topical Outline (Course Content)

Lectures on visual arts from 30,000 years ago up to the Gothic period in Europe Visual aids including digital slide projections, films on museum collections tours to Greek temples. And occasional presentations of objects in class. Discussions of contemporary adjustments to textbook content, new discoveries in archaeology, or new theories about content or construction of monuments. Students are encouraged to contribute these news items, and to present opinions about published conclusions.

VI. Delivery Methodologies

Required Exams

Lectures and quizzes on each Chapter in the Textbook. Quizzes lead class concepts toward the Mid Term and Final Exams. Research project that may result in a term paper, or a museum forgery, or a classroom presentation

Required Text

Art History Volume 1 by Marylin Stokstad

Specific Course Activity Assignment or Assessment Requirements

Lectures and quizzes on each Chapter in the Textbook. Quizzes lead class concepts toward the Mid Term and Final Exams. Research project that may result in a term paper, or a museum forgery, or a classroom presentation