Outdoor Recreation Leadership, Associate of Arts

Plan and lead trips in the backcountry

Manage risk through written plans, appropriate travel skills, group management and field-based decision making.

Demonstrate technical backcountry travel skills.

Work with others in a variety of environments.

Demonstrate professionalism in their outdoor activities.

Major Code: 1930R

**Alternative plans of study available by contacting your advisor

Fall Semester Freshman Year

HREC 134Backcountry Travel

3 Credits

HREC 138Outdoor Leadership and Ethics

3 Credits

MATH GEAny Gen. Ed. Math Course

3 Credits

SOCS GEAny Gen. Ed. Social and Behavioral Way of Knowing Course

3 Credits

Program Electives

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Spring Semester Freshman Year

HREC 139Wilderness First Responder

3 Credits

HREC 250Capstone/Risk Management

3 Credits

COMM GEAny Gen. Ed Oral Comm. Course

3 Credits

Program Elective

6 Credits

Total Credit Hours:15

*Prerequisite or corequisite required.

Fall Semester Sophomore Year

ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits

HUMA GE1Any General Education Humanistic & Artistic Way of Knowing

3 Credits

SCIG GEAny Gen. Ed. Science Course

3-4 Credits

GNED 101Introduction to General Education

3 Credits

WELL GEAny Gen. Ed. Wellness Elective

2 Credits

Total Credit Hours:14-15

Humanities courses must be from 2 different disciplines.

Spring Semester Sophomore Year

ENGL 102Writing and Rhetoric II*

3 Credits

HUMA GE2Any 2nd Gen. Ed. Humanistic & Artistic Way of Knowing Course

3 Credits

SCIG GE2Any 2nd Gen. Ed. Science Course

4 Credits

SOCS GE2Any 2nd Gen. Ed. Social and Behavioral Way of Knowing Course

3 Credits

Program Electives

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:16

Program Electives: 12 hours

HREC 120Experiential Education

2 Credits

HREC 144Beginning Cross-country Skiing

1 Credit

HREC 145Introduction to Climbing

1 Credit

HREC 146Intermediate Climbing*

2 Credits

HREC 147Beginning Kayaking

1 Credit

HREC 148Intermediate Kayaking*

1 Credit

HREC 150Introduction to Whitewater Rafting

1 Credit

HREC 151Intermediate White Water Rafting*

1 Credit

HREC 152Stand-Up Paddleboarding

1 Credit

HREC 153Introduction to Outdoor Cooking

1 Credit

HREC 241Winter Survival Skills

1 Credit

HREC 242Wilderness Survival Skills

1 Credit

HREC 244Introduction to Mountain Biking

1 Credit

HREC 247Swift Water Rescue

1 Credit

HREC 248Avalanche Safety

2 Credits

HREC 140Beginning Skiing

1 Credit

HREC 141Intermediate Skiing

1 Credit

HREC 142Beginning Snowboarding

1 Credit

HREC 143Intermediate/Advanced Snowboarding

1 Credit

HREC 135Climbing Fundamentals

3 Credits

HREC 136Winter Mountain Travel

3 Credits

HREC 137Whitewater

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:12

*Prerequisite or Corequisite required

Total Credit Hours: 60-61