Air Cond - Refrig and Heat, Associate of Applied Science

Major Code: 4500A

**Alternative plans of study available by contacting your advisor

Fall Semester Freshman Year

AIRC 137Fossil Fuel Furnaces

8 Credits

AIRC 139Heat Pumps

8 Credits

Total Credit Hours:16

Spring Semester Freshman Year

AIRC 134National Electrical Code

1 Credit

AIRC 135Air Conditioning

7.50 Credits


1 Credit

AIRC 140Commercial Refrigeration

7.50 Credits

Total Credit Hours:17

Summer Semester Freshman Year

AIRC 138Ammonia Refrigeration

8 Credits

Total Credit Hours:8

Fall Semester Sophomore Year

COMM GEAny Gen. Ed Oral Comm. Course

3 Credits

ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits

MATH GEAny Gen. Ed. Math Course

3 Credits

SOCS GEAny Gen. Ed. Social and Behavioral Way of Knowing Course

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:12

Spring Semester Sophomore Year

ELEC GEGeneral Education Elective

4 Credits

College Level Elective Courses

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:7

Recommended Elective Courses:

AIRC 285Cooperative Education*

1-8 Credits

BIOL 100Concepts of Biology

4 Credits

PHIL 101Introduction to Philosophy

3 Credits

*Prerequisite or Corequisite required

Total Credit Hours: 60