COMM 101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication
COMM 101 is a course intended to improve your communication abilities in a variety of academic, social, personal and business settings. Emphasis is placed on the communication process, public address, small group discussion, and listening.
General Education Competency
GEM Oral Communication
COMM 101Fundamentals of Oral Communication
Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.
I. General Information
Social Science
II. Course Specification
Course Type
General Education
General Education Competency
GEM Oral Communication
Credit Hours Narrative
3 Credits
Semester Contact Hours Lecture
Grading Method
Letter grade
III. Catalog Course Description
COMM 101 is a course intended to improve your communication abilities in a variety of academic, social, personal and business settings. Emphasis is placed on the communication process, public address, small group discussion, and listening.
IV. Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of human communication in the area of communication process.
- Demonstrate an understanding of human communication concepts in the area of perception.
- Demonstrate an understanding of human communication concepts in the area of public communication.
- Demonstrate an understanding of human communication concepts in the area of listening.
- Demonstrate an understanding of human communication concepts in the area of group communication.
- Demonstrate an understanding of human communication concepts in the area of nonverbal communication
- Demonstrate an understanding of human communication concepts in the area of persuasion.
- Demonstrate an understanding of human communication concepts in the area of language.
- Demonstrate an understanding of human communication concepts in the area of culture.
- Demonstrate the application of human communication in the area of communication process.
- Demonstrate the application of human communication concepts in the area of perception.
- Demonstrate the application of human communication concepts in the area of public communication.
- Demonstrate the application of human communication concepts in the area of listening.
- Demonstrate the application of human communication concepts in the area of group communication.
- Demonstrate the application of human communication concepts in the area of nonverbal communication
- Demonstrate the application of human communication concepts in the area of persuasion.
- Demonstrate the application of human communication concepts in the area of language.
- Demonstrate the application of human communication concepts in the area of culture.
V. Topical Outline (Course Content)
Required course content: communication process, perception, intercultural communication, language, nonverbal, listening, small group, public speaking, persuasion, and outlining.
VI. Delivery Methodologies
Required Assignments
Informative Speech*
Persuasive Speech*
Full Sentence outline for each required speech
Requirements for Public Speaking Section of COMM 101
This document is intended to establish a minimum set of guidelines for the Public Speaking Unit in COMM 101 at the College of Southern Idaho. While instructors are certainly allowed and encourage to reach beyond these minimums, it is expected that instructors will require the following, at a minimum, of their students in COMM 101:
Students must be assigned at least two speeches (one inform and one persuade) during their COMM 101 course. Both speeches must be accompanied by full-sentence outlines and must have a research component. Delivery style for both speeches must be extemporaneous (no manuscripts) and presented from a working outline with LIMITED notecards. Each speech should be evaluated on both performance and content.
Students must have an audience of no fewer than 10 when presenting their speech in an entirely face-to-face course and an audience of no fewer than 5 in the room with them in a course that is delivered via the CSI Microwave system or the Idaho Education Network. Students in entirely on-line sections of COMM 101 must find an audience of no fewer than 10. Audience should be composed of other students, peers, an existing group of adults, etc.
Care should be taken to avoid lecterns (pulpits, desks, tables, etc.) unless required by ADA/504/IEP accommodations.
Examples of an appropriate audience:
1. A college class
2. A dual credit class
3. A group of adults who meet for some other reason than the speech (Rotary Club, workplace meeting, church group, etc.)
Example of an inappropriate audience:
1. A group of the student’s family and friends
2. A group of children (under the age of 14)
Minimum Requirements for Speech #1:
Type: Informative Speech
Length: 5 minutes minimum
Sources: 3 minimum
Minimum Requirements for Speech #2:
Type: Persuasive Speech
Length: 6 minutes minimum
Sources: 3 minimum
Required Exams
Common Comprehensive Final Exam worth 20% of the course grade provided by the Comm Dept.
Required Text
Adler, R.B., Rodman, G., & du Pre, A. (2017). Understanding human communication (13th ed.). New York, Oxford University Press. Mandatory chapters are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Other chapters are optional.
Specific Course Activity Assignment or Assessment Requirements
Informative Speech*
Persuasive Speech*
Full Sentence outline for each required speech
Requirements for Public Speaking Section of COMM 101
This document is intended to establish a minimum set of guidelines for the Public Speaking Unit in COMM 101 at the College of Southern Idaho. While instructors are certainly allowed and encourage to reach beyond these minimums, it is expected that instructors will require the following, at a minimum, of their students in COMM 101:
Students must be assigned at least two speeches (one inform and one persuade) during their COMM 101 course. Both speeches must be accompanied by full-sentence outlines and must have a research component. Delivery style for both speeches must be extemporaneous (no manuscripts) and presented from a working outline with LIMITED notecards. Each speech should be evaluated on both performance and content.
Students must have an audience of no fewer than 10 when presenting their speech in an entirely face-to-face course and an audience of no fewer than 5 in the room with them in a course that is delivered via the CSI Microwave system or the Idaho Education Network. Students in entirely on-line sections of COMM 101 must find an audience of no fewer than 10. Audience should be composed of other students, peers, an existing group of adults, etc.
Care should be taken to avoid lecterns (pulpits, desks, tables, etc.) unless required by ADA/504/IEP accommodations.
Examples of an appropriate audience:
1. A college class
2. A dual credit class
3. A group of adults who meet for some other reason than the speech (Rotary Club, workplace meeting, church group, etc.)
Example of an inappropriate audience:
1. A group of the student’s family and friends
2. A group of children (under the age of 14)
Minimum Requirements for Speech #1:
Type: Informative Speech
Length: 5 minutes minimum
Sources: 3 minimum
Minimum Requirements for Speech #2:
Type: Persuasive Speech
Length: 6 minutes minimum
Sources: 3 minimum
Common Comprehensive Final Exam worth 20% of the course grade provided by the Comm Dept.