Administrative Assistant, Intermediate Technical Certificate

Major Code: 4338T

Gainful employment data for this program may be found on the department web page:

**Alternative plans of study available by contacting your advisor

Fall Semester Freshman Year

ACCB 129Introduction to Bookkeeping*

3 Credits

ACCB 129LIntroduction to Bookkeeping Lab*

1 Credit

ADMN 100Mechanics of Business Writing

3 Credits

ADMN 110Business Financial Applications

3 Credits

BUSA 215Information Science and Data Management

3 Credits

SOCY 105Human Relations

3 Credits


Spring Semester Freshman Year

ACCB 130Principles of Bookkeeping I*

3 Credits

ADMN 116Spreadsheet Applications*

3 Credits

ADMN 142Business Document Processing

3 Credits

ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits

MATH GEAny Gen. Ed. Math Course

3 Credits


*Prerequisite or corequisite required.

Total Credit Hours Required for this Major: 31