
Contact: Dr. Clark Draney, (208) 732-6810, cdraney@csi.edu

The English curriculum promotes critical awareness through the study of composition and diverse works and genres of literature. English majors may pursue baccalaureate degrees and use their background in literature and creative and critical communication skills to enter virtually any profession. English majors often become lawyers, professional writers, teachers, administrators, managers, and business professionals. Completion of the program is designed to result in an Associate of Arts degree, and meets the general education requirements at all Idaho public universities. Course selection should be coordinated to meet requirements for your intended transfer institution.

Upon successful completion of the English program, a student will be able to:

  1. Write effectively in a given rhetorical situation
  2. Analyze texts to support meaningful interpretations
  3. Interpret texts using recognized critical approaches
  4. Describe the significance of a literary selection in a particular context
  5. Describe the varieties of human experience literature that treats, and analyze the value of literature, as one branch of the Humanities, to examine the human condition
  6. Appropriately discuss the power of language to communicate, to create, and to make sense of our own lives

Program Application Required: No

Sample Career Opportunities: Postsecondary English Language and Literature Teachers

*Talk to an advisor for additional career choices