WELD 149 Blueprint Reading for Welders

The blueprint course will cover basic lines, views, dimensioning and structural shapes, abbreviation and weld symbols, working with structural and piping drawings, and bill of materials.



Semester Contact Hours Lecture


Semester Contact Hours Lab


General Education Competency

[GE Core type]

WELD 149Blueprint Reading for Welders

Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.

I. General Information


Trade & Industry

II. Course Specification

Course Type

Program Requirement

General Education Competency

[GE Core type]

Credit Hours Narrative


Semester Contact Hours Lecture


Semester Contact Hours Lab


Grading Method

Letter grade



III. Catalog Course Description

The blueprint course will cover basic lines, views, dimensioning and structural shapes, abbreviation and weld symbols, working with structural and piping drawings, and bill of materials.

IV. Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  • Unit 1: Basic Lines and Views
  • Complete with 75 % accuracy an AWS SENSE Module 3 Exam
  • Identify and describe the usage for the common line types:
  • Identify two different methods in which an object is represented on a print
  • Identify the proper orientation of the views used in an orthographic projection
  • List the different views used in an orthographic projection
  • Unit 2: Notes and Specifications
  • Identify the standard paper sizes used in mechanical drawing
  • Identify the typical information contained within a drawings title block
  • Describe the differences between general notes and local notes
  • Identify the proper location for a specification
  • Unit 3: Dimensions
  • Define the following terms:
  • Common Fraction
  • Inclined Angle
  • Land
  • Feather Edge
  • Dual Dimensioning
  • Base Size
  • Actual Size
  • Nominal Size
  • Identify the following types of dimensions:
  • Angular Dimensions
  • Linear Dimensions
  • Radius and Arc Dimensions
  • Drilled Hole Dimensions
  • Countersunk and Counterbored Holes Dimensions
  • Spotface Dimensions
  • Discuss the importance of tolerances
  • Identify the following elements of a tolerance
  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Understand the importance of a drawings scale
  • Understand the following dimensioning methods:
  • Conventional Dimensioning
  • Baseline Dimensioning
  • Unit 4: Bill of Materials
  • Discuss the importance of a bill of materials
  • Identify the size and quantity of a particularpart by looking at a bill of materials
  • Specify a particular type of steel used in a bill of material
  • Identify a project summary worksheet and describe its purpose
  • Define the following terms:
  • Sheet Metal
  • Metal Plate
  • Flat Bar
  • Long
  • Flat
  • Unit 5: Structural Shapes
  • Define the following terms:
  • Hot-Rolled
  • Cold-Rolled
  • Weight
  • S-beams
  • I-Beams
  • Identify many of the common structural shapers used
  • Specify pipe size by using schedule numbers
  • Identify the common schedule number used for pipe sizes
  • Unit 6: Other Views
  • Define the following terms:
  • Break Symbol
  • Revolved Section
  • Auxiliary Views
  • Enlarged Detail
  • Developed View
  • Revolved View
  • Untrue Projection
  • Identify an auxiliary view and describe when they are typically used
  • Determine when it is necessary to use both a "Right" and "Left" side to describe the detail associated with a part
  • Determine when it is necessary to locate a side view in an alternate position form the norm
  • Determine the proper location for an enlarged view
  • Discuss the purpose of a development (developed view)
  • Determine when it is necessary to use a revolved view
  • Unit 7: Sections
  • Define the following terms:
  • Cutting Plane
  • Section
  • Identify the following sections:
  • Full Section
  • Half Section
  • Revolved Section
  • Assembly Section
  • Phantom Section
  • Aligned Section
  • Break-Out Section
  • Offset Section
  • Removed Section
  • Determine when the following sections are to be used:
  • Full Section
  • Half Section
  • Revolved Section
  • Assembly Section
  • Phantom Section
  • Aligned Section
  • Break-Out Section
  • Offset Section
  • Removed Section
  • Unit 8: Detail, Assembly, and Subassembly Prints
  • Define detail drawing, assembly print, and subassembly print
  • List the components that makeup a detail drawing
  • List the components that makeup an assembly print
  • Unit 9: Welding Symbols and Abbreviations
  • Define reference line, arrow, tail, arrow side and other side
  • List the components that makeup a standard welding symbol
  • Identify the proper location of a weld symbol
  • Identity additional welding symbols elements
  • Identify field weld and weld-all-around symbols
  • Identify supplementary contour and finish symbols
  • Identify multiple weld symbol information
  • Identify bevel information
  • Understand multiple reference lines
  • Understand welding abbreviations
  • Unit 10: Basic Joints for Weldment Fabrications
  • Identify butt, corner, tee, lap and edge joints
  • For each type of weld identify a number of different weld that may be applied
  • Identify some of the special purpose joints used
  • Define joint spacing and groove opening
  • Identify the type of groove required
  • Unit 11: Fillet Welds
  • Define detail drawing, assembly print and subassembly print
  • Correctly identify the size of the legs of a fillet weld
  • Correctly identify a double fillet weld
  • Correctly identify fillet welds having unequal legs
  • Correctly identify the length of a fillet weld using notes and dimensions
  • Correctly identify the extent of a fillet weld
  • Unit 12: Groove Weld
  • Determine the type of groove weld to be prepared and welded
  • Determine the depth of the groove preparation
  • Determine the groove weld size
  • Determine the root opening of a groove weld
  • Determine the groove angle
  • Determine the contour and finishing of a groove weld
  • Unit 13: Back or Backing and Melt-Thru Welds
  • Discuss the purpose of the "Back" and "Melt-Thru welds"
  • Determine the size of a backing weld
  • Determine the size of a Melt-Thru weld
  • Determine the contour and finish of a Back weld
  • Determine the contour and finish of a Melt-Thru weld
  • Unit 14: Plug and Slot Welds
  • Define depth of fill, spacing of plugs and number of welds
  • Determine the contour and finish of a Plug Weld
  • Determine the contour and finish of a Slot Weld
  • Distinguish a plug weld from a slot weld on a drawing
  • Interpret the dimension applied to the plug and slot weld symbols
  • Unit 15: Surface Welds
  • Discuss the purpose of a "Surface Weld"
  • Distinguish the length, width and direction of a "Surface Weld
  • Identify a "Surface Weld" on a drawing
  • Unit 16: Edge Welds
  • Identify typical joints to which the edge weld symbol is applied
  • Translate dimensions applied to the edge weld symbol
  • Identify sections on a print to which an edge weld is to be applied
  • Identify a staggeredintermittent edge weld on a print
  • Unit 17: Stud Welds
  • Determine the proper location of the stud-weld symbol on a print
  • Determine the stud diameter
  • Determine the number of studs
  • Determine the pitch of a stud weld
  • Unit 18: Pipe-Welding Symbols
  • Identify typical fitting and valve symbols used for pipe fabrication on a welding print
  • Identify three methods used to represent a pipe layout
  • Develop an isometric drawing of a pipe layout from an orthographic drawing
  • Develop an orthographic drawing of a pipe layout from an isometric view

V. Topical Outline (Course Content)

SENSE Aligned Curriculum Create multiple drawings utilizing correct drawing techniques and structure, including Welding symbols when needed. Create a detailed drawing for the welding projects

VI. Delivery Methodologies

Required Assignments

Read Chapters 4, 5 and 25. Complete workbook assignments. 5 Lab Tasks for OFC 5 Lab Tasks for PAC 5 Lab Tasks for CAC Freehand task for PAC

Required Exams

SENSE Module #3

Required Text

Welding Skills 5th edition Textbook: B.J. Moniz Welding Skills 5th edition Workbook: Jonathan F. Gosse Welding Print Reading 6th edition: John R. WalkerW. Richard Polanin

Specific Course Activity Assignment or Assessment Requirements

Read Chapters 4, 5 and 25. Complete workbook assignments. 5 Lab Tasks for OFC 5 Lab Tasks for PAC 5 Lab Tasks for CAC Freehand task for PAC SENSE Module #3