
Contact: Megan Jacobson, (208)732-6426

The Pre-Pharmacy program is designed to meet the most common lower-division admissions requirements for professional pharmacy schools. Students should consult with their intended transfer institutions early in their studies. The program does not offer any pharmacy or pharmacological courses, but provides a strong foundation in chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics. Students completing the program requirements are granted an A.S. degree and may apply to a College of Pharmacy at the institution(s) of their choice or pursue further studies at a four-year institution.

Upon successful completion of the Pre-Pharmacy program, a student will be able to:

  1. Understanding of concepts and applications of mathematics including algebra, trigonometry, statistics, and calculus
  2. Understanding of concepts and applications of chemistry including general and organic chemistry
  3. Understanding of concepts and applications of biology including general biology, anatomy and physiology and microbiology
  4. Understanding of concepts and applications of physics including classical mechanics
  5. Safe and accurate laboratory techniques
  6. Written and oral communications skills
  7. Understanding of concepts of microeconomics or macroeconomics

Program Application Required: No

Sample Career Opportunities: Pharmacist

*Talk to an advisor for additional career choices