Foreign Language Study: Concurrent and Transfer Credit

All students with previous foreign language study, a previous study-abroad residence, or other significant exposure to a foreign language must take a C of I-approved test to determine their proficiency level for initial placement into a language course.

Students who are admitted to The College of Idaho with concurrent credit or credit transferred from other regionally accredited colleges and universities will begin their language study according to their proficiency placement test, regardless of concurrent or transfer credit coursework transcript indicators. If a student feels the placement is incorrect, the student may complete a verbal interview and direct writing assessment with a designated Department of World Languages, Literatures, & Cultures (WLC) instructor. The instructor will then analyze data from these sources to advise the student into the most appropriate course. If the initial placement results in the student retaking the same 100-level course(s), the student will receive credit only for the duplicate course(s) taken for credit at The College of Idaho. If the initial placement results in the student retaking the same 200-level course(s) or above, the student will receive general elective 2XX, 3XX, or 4XX credit as appropriate for the concurrent or transfer coursework that duplicates courses consequently taken for credit at The College of Idaho. In such cases, the general elective credits will apply toward the number of credits required for graduation, and may apply toward the WLC major or minor, but at least one-third of WLC major and minor coursework must be earned at The College of Idaho.

Likewise, College of Idaho students who participate in a study-abroad program and place into a course that duplicates their C of I coursework shall receive general elective credits, but such repeat credits will not apply toward a language major or minor.