International Political Economy Major


Major Requirements

39 Credits

Introductory Core

POE-110United States Political Economy

3 credits

POE-120International Politics

3 credits


POE-250Introduction to Political Philosophy

3 credits


POE-255Introduction to Political Philosophy Through Plato

3 credits


POE-263Introduction to Political Economy

3 credits

POE-298International Research Methods

2 credits

Upper-division Requirements

Complete the following required courses.

POE-351Political Economy of Development

3 credits

POE-380International Political Economy

3 credits

POE-499Senior Seminar: Internatl Political Economy

3 credits

Students selecting a major in International Political Economy are strongly encouraged to learn a modern foreign language, complete departmental honors (for those who qualify, see below), or otherwise enhance their educational experience.

Students who have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.7 in POE courses taken at The College of Idaho are eligible to apply for departmental honors. Eligible students who earn an A in the Senior Seminar will receive departmental honors. 


Complete 15 additional credits of POE coursework.
POE ELEC -Political Economy elective credits 15

15 credits

Experiential Learning Requirement

International Political Economy majors must complete experiential learning by successfully completing 1-3 credits of an internship (INT-497), Model UN (POE-199 or POE-399), or an international study away program approved by the College.


1-6 credits

POE-199Model United Nations I

1 credit

POE-399Model United Nations II

2 credits


Upon successful completion of this major, students will be able to:

1) Apply major philosophies and established theories of international political economy sufficient to analyze international affairs and global issues in both written and oral formats;

2) Critically assess social science perspectives and analytical methods sufficient to research issues containing international economic and political content, and to interpret the research conducted by others in international political economy;

3) Express in both written and oral formats complex personal positions regarding public policies and normative questions central to international political economy; and

4) Write a thesis-driven research paper making a reasoned argument positioned within international political economy scholarship and formatted in Chicago/Turabian style.