Spanish Minor


Complete or place out of the following language courses (16 credits):

Minor Requirements

Students who place out of language credits will still be required to complete all 16 credits of the Spanish minor. Depending on where the student places in Spanish, the student will be required to take additional credits from the courses below: 

Up to 6 credits from:

SPA-301     Topics in Literature and Culture                                               3 credits 
SPA-302     Topics in Culture and Community                                            3 credits 
SPA-312     Immersion Experience in the Spanish-Speaking World        3-6 credits
SPA-399T   Special Topics                                                                             3 credits

The remaining credits must be taken in courses numbered SPA-401+. 


Complete 13 credits from the following:

SPA-101Spanish Language & Culture I

3 credits

SPA-102Spanish Language & Culture II

3 credits

SPA-201Spanish Language and Culture III

3 credits

SPA-202Spanish Language and Culture IV

3 credits


SPA-235Spanish for Heritage Speakers

3 credits

SPA-200First Year Spanish Grammar Review

1 credit


SPA-300Second Year Grammar Review


Complete 3 credits from the following:

SPA-301Topics in Literature and Culture

3 credits

SPA-302Topics in Culture and Community

3 credits

SPA-312Immersion Experience in the Spanish-Speaking World

3-6 credits

Students who have previously taken Spanish must complete the Spanish placement test to determine entry level.


Students must take languages courses in ascending sequence; students may not take for credit a lower language course than one they have already completed. Students who choose to take a course at the College of Idaho that is lower than a transfer course from another institution forfeit the equivalent transfer credits.


At minimum one-third of coursework for the major must be completed at The College of Idaho.


Students are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one term of study abroad or to live in a community where Spanish is the dominant language.Prior to studying abroad, students should work with WLC faculty to determine appropriate transfer credit. Approved programs may transfer courses that appear on a transcript as if the student were in residence at the College. However, all students are required to complete at least one three-credit 300- or 400-level Spanish course from the College’s Spanish program in order to demonstrate competency in program learning outcomes.


Upon successful completion of this minor, students will be able to:


1) Demonstrate engagement with humanistic inquiry through the application of theory and methodology to languages, cultures, and cultural products of the Spanish-speaking world;
2) Provide evidence of their own artistic work and active engagement with the creative process, grounded in the study of Spanish language and cultures;
3) Demonstrate engagement with non-dominant cultures and cultural products in the Spanish-speaking world; and
4) Demonstrate Intermediate-Low oral and written proficiency in Spanish, aligned to ACTFL proficiency guidelines.