Evaluation of Academic Progress
At the end of each semester academic progress will be measured by comparing the number of attempted credit hours (including accepted transfer credits) with the credit hours earned and by the student's cumulative grade-point average. This includes any course for which the student has remained enrolled past the Add/Drop period. The following criteria are considered when evaluating a student's SAP:
Credits Attempted
Credits attempted are defined as all classes for which a student receives a passing grade (D- or better, or P), or an F, I, W, L, or WA. Excluded credits are counted as withdrawals - attempted, but not completed.
Credits Completed
Credits completed are defined as all classes for which a student receives a passing grade of D- or better, or P.
Credits Excluded from the Pace Calculation
Remedial credits will not be counted as credits attempted or completed.
Audit credits do not count as credits attempted or completed.
Repeat Courses
Repeat courses count as attempted and completed credits. Financial aid will be paid for repeat courses when the initial grade is an F. Financial aid will only be paid twice for a repeat course if the course has been passed with a D- or better at any time.
By rule, SAP standards must include both a qualitative standard and a quantitative standard: