Emeritus Faculty

Janice Adams

1990-2011, Professor of Psychology

B.S., Georgia State University

M.S., Ph.D., University of Georgia

James Angresano

1995, Professor of Economics

B.S., Lehigh University

M.B.A., New York University

Ph.D., University of Tennessee

Ralph C. Applebee

1969-2000, Professor of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science

B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Oregon State University

Louie C. Attebery

1961-1999, Professor of English

B.A., The College of Idaho

M.A., University of Montana

Ph.D., University of Denver

Ellen Batt

1983-2013, Professor of Modern Foreign Languages and Education

B.A., University of Idaho

M.A., Ed.D., Boise State University

Howard D. Berger
1982, Professor of History
John P. Weyerhaeuser Chair of American History
B.A., George Washington University
M.A., Ph.D., University of Washington

Donald Burwell

1987-2013, Professor of Education

B.A., University of Idaho

M.A., Boise State University

Ph.D., University of Idaho

Dennis D. Cartwright

2006-2012, Professor of Education; Director of Education Programs

B.A., Northwest Nazarene College

MNS, Ph.D. University of Idaho

Denny Clark

1989-2011, Professor of Philosophy and Religion

B.A., Aurora University

M. Div., Th.M., Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago

Ph.D., Iliff School of Theology, University of Denver

Patti Copple
1995, 1997, Visiting Assistant Professor of Education
B.A., M.A.T., Lewis and Clark College

Dale I. Corning

1970-2004, Associate Professor; Librarian

B.A., The College of Idaho

M.S., Louisiana State University

Lisa Derry

1993-2014, Professor of Music

B.M., M.M., University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music

Ph.D., Indiana University

James R. Fennell

1985-2015, Associate Professor of Physical Education

B.S., Pepperdine University

M.Ed., University of Arizona

Mary Higdem

1982-1997, Lecturer in Geology

B.S., University of North Dakota

M.S., Oregon State University

Roger Higdem

1959-1999, Professor of Mathematics

B.S., M.S., University of North Dakota

Ph.D., Oregon State University

Tim Hogue

1973-1977, 1985, 1998-2000, Visiting Professor of Business

B.A. The College of Idaho

M.B.A. Boise State University

William L. Kolb

1989-2000, Associate Professor of Business

B.S. University of Nebraska

M.B.A. Michigan State University

Ph.D. Southern Illinois University


Wallace Lonergan

1987-2013, Professor of Business Management

B.A., The College of Idaho

M.B.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago

Robin Lorentzen

1991-2011, Professor of Sociology

B.A., M.A., Northern Illinois University

Ph.D., Loyola University of Chicago

Mark Lotspeich

1991-2011, Professor of Mathematics

B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Idaho

Leona Manke

1986-2003, Professor of Education

B.A. University of Oregon

M.A., Ph.D. Claremont Graduate School

Kristina Mazurak

1993-2014, Associate Professor of Business and Accounting

B.A., The College of Idaho

M.S., University of Oregon

Terry Mazurak

1982-2010, Professor of Philosophy and Religion

B.A., Carleton College

M.A., Ph.D., University of Washington

Alfred M. McGlinsky

1978-1994, Professor of Education

B.S., M.A.T., Miami University, Ohio

Ed.D., University of North Dakota

Gayle Morley

1979-2000, Professor of Physics

B.S., Brigham Young University

M.E., University of Idaho

M.S., University of California, Los Angeles

Ph.D., Iowa State University

Terry M. Nagel

1980-2004, Professor of Chemistry

B.S., Macalester College

Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Tim Otter

1993-2008, Professor of Biology

Sc.B., Brown University

Ph.D., University of North Carolina

Patricia L. Packard

1959-1989, Professor of Biology

B.A., The College of Idaho

M.S., Oregon State University

Ph.D., Washington State University

David Perkins

1980-2010, Professor of Business

B.S., M.B.A., Murray State University

Sherilyn Robison

1977-91, 1993-2003, Professor of Biology

B.S., Stanford University

M.S., University of California, Los Angeles

Ph.D., Idaho State University

Marianne Saunders

1993-2014, Associate Professor of Music

A.A., Edmonds Community College

B.A. and Teacher Certification, Central Washington University

M.M., D.M.A., Eastman School of Music

Bruce Schatz

1966-2001, Professor of Chemistry

B.S., University of Puget Sound

Ph.D. Oregon State University

Terry Stone

1979-86, 1987-2007, Professor of Music

B.Mus.Ed., University of Idaho

DMA., University of Oregon

Gary L. Strine

1967-74, 1975-1997, Professor of Mathematics and Physics

B.A., University of Iowa

M.S., University of Denver

Ph.D., University of Idaho

William E. Sype

1979-2007, Professor of Biology

B.A. Illinois Wesleyan University

M.S., Ph.D., Oregon State University

Leslie R. Tanner

1979-1996, Professor of Mathematics

B.A., Westminster College

M.A., University of Utah

Ph.D., University of Georgia

John Thuerer
1985, Professor of Psychology
B.S., Michigan State University
M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin

Mari Jo Tynon
1990, Professor of Music
B.M., University of Denver
M.M., Colorado State University
D.M., Indiana University

Lynn Webster

1985-2010, Professor of Art

B.F.A., School of the Art Institute, Chicago

M.F.A., Northwestern University

Eric Yensen

1981-2014, Professor of Biology

B.S., The College of Idaho

M.A., Oregon State University

Ph.D., University of Arizona