Music Minor


15-16 credits (Total may not include prerequisite courses)

Minor Requirements

MUS-001Concert/Recital Attendance

0 credits

MUS-001: 2 Semesters

Complete the following Literature and Theory Foundations:

MUS-111Introduction to Music Literature

3 credits

The requirements to take MUS-111 Intro to Music Literature can be fulfilled by taking MUS-311 Music History I and MUS-312 Music History II. In this case, the total number of credits for the minor remains the same.

Complete one of the following Theory Foundations Courses (2-3 credits):

MUS-100Music Fundamentals

2 credits

MUS-101Music Theory I

3 credits

MUS-100: recommended for those with little or no music reading skills

MUS-101: recommended for fluent readers of music

Complete 9 elective credits in music courses.

3 credits performance-based classes (applied lessons (MUSAP) or ensembles (MUS-121 through MUS-129). 
6 credits other MUS courses (not applied lesson or ensemble).

***A maximum of 3 performance classes (lessons and ensembles combined) will be counted towards the minor.

Applied/Group Lessons

MUS-133Class Voice

1 credit

MUSAP-130Applied Music I

0.5-1 credits

MUSAP-230Applied Music II

0.5-1 credits

MUSAP-330Applied Music III

0.5-1 credits

MUSAP-430Applied Music IV

0.5-1 credits



1 credit

MUS-123Major Sixth Vocal Ensemble

0.5-1 credits

MUS-124Jazz Ensemble

1 credit

MUS-125Chamber Ensemble

0.5-1 credits


0.5-1 credits

MUS-127Chamber Ensemble - Singers

0.5-1 credits

MUS-128Vocal Jazz Ensemble

0.5-1 credits

Students with music scholarships may be required to take additional semesters of applied lessons and ensembles to maintain their scholarships.