Mathematics-Physics Major
The Mathematics and Physical Sciences Core provides a strong mathematical background to all Mathematics and Mathematics-Physics majors in our Department. This collection of courses incorporates mathematical methods and concepts and fundamentals of computer programming along with the foundational course in Analytical Physics as an introduction to problem-solving, abstract analysis, and applications.
37-40 credits (Total does not include prerequisite courses)
Major Requirements
Complete the Mathematics-Physics Core (18-19 credits):
MAT-175 | Single Variable Calculus | 4 credits |
MAT-275 | Multivariable Calculus | 4 credits |
CSC-150 | Computer Science I: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming | 4 credits |
PHY-271 | Analytical Physics I | 4 credits |
PHY-271L | Analytical Physics I Lab | 1 credit |
| | |
MAT-199 | Math & Physics Colloquium | 0.5 credits |
| and/or | |
PHY-199 | Math & Physics Colloquium | 0.5 credits |
MAT-175: Depending on placement, completion of MAT-150 Applied Calculus: A Modeling Approach may be required prior to enrolling in MAT-175.
MAT-199, PHY-199: 2 Semesters at 0.5 credit each
Students who plan to take upper-division mathematics courses other than MAT-352 Differential Equations should complete one of the following:
Optional for Math-Physics Majors
MAT-280 | Introduction to Proof: Number Theory | 1 credit |
MAT-281 | Introduction to Proof: Combinatorics | 1 credit |
MAT-282 | Introduction to Proof: Sets & Functions | 1 credit |
MAT-283 | Introduction to Proof: Logic | 1 credit |
Complete 6 upper-division credits in Physics (6 credits) by completing any two of the following:
PHY-301 | Theoretical Mechanics | 3 credits |
PHY-313 | Thermal Physics | 2-3 credits |
PHY-330 | Electricity & Magnetism | 3 credits |
PHY-400 | Quantum Physics | 2-3 credits |
Complete upper-division elective coursework in Mathematics and Physics (12 credits):
| Any 12 additional credits of 300- or 400-level PHY or MAT courses | 12 credits |
A maximum of 3 credits of independent work (MAT-494, PHY-494, MAT-497, PHY-497, or other) may be counted toward the upper-division elective requirements.
Complete an independent study or internship (1-3 credits):
Other forms of independent work may be accepted with departmental approval.
Students interested in graduate study in physics are strongly encouraged to take the following courses:
PHY-240 | Electrical and Electronic Circuits | 3 credits |
PHY-240L | Electircal and Electronic Circuits
Laboratory | 1 credit |
| MAT-28X | |
MAT-361 | Linear Algebra | 3 credits |
MAT-431 | Complex Analysis | 3 credits |
| All 300 and 400-level Physics Courses | |
Students pursuing graduate study should take PHY-313 and PHY-400 for the maximum 3 credits.
Mathematics-Physics Majors may not minor in Physics nor Physical Science.
Mathematics-Physics Majors may not major in Mathematics or Mathematics-Computer Science.