Course Section Numbers

Understanding Section Numbers: Section numbers are made up of three parts: the subject prefix, the course number, and the course section number. For example BIO-111-204 is the section number for a biology course with the course number 111 and the course section number 204. It is a web-assisted course (section number is in the 200 range).

  • Traditional courses (also called seated courses) are typically offered on the campus of CCC and meet face-to-face with an instructor. Traditional courses have section numbers in the 100 range.

  • Blended courses are traditional courses with online components. These courses use Blackboard to deliver reading material and instructional material to students. They have section numbers in the 200 range.

  • Hybrid courses meet on campus half as often as traditional courses. The remaining instruction and course content is delivered through our online environment. Hybrid courses have section numbers in the 300 range.

  • Online courses have section numbers in the 400 and 700 range.