Naturopathic Medicine Dual Degrees

There are a number of degree options that allow students in the naturopathic medicine program to earn a second degree. Students in good academic standing may apply to a dual-degree program during the second year of their ND program. Students must complete the second year (all 5000 and 6000 level courses) of the ND program before beginning the dual-degree program. Students wishing to pursue a dual degree should realize that adding a second program will extend the time they spend in their original program by a year or more. Most of the dual-degree programs enable graduating with the ND and a master’s degree in a total of five years, if the student stays on track. Students must also maintain good standing in all programs while pursuing multiple degrees.

Currently, the following programs may be considered: Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine, Counseling and Health Psychology, and Public Health. For additional information regarding the dual degrees, please contact the admissions department. A formal application to the individual programs through the admissions department must be completed. 

Students with advanced medical training, e.g., DC, DO, or MD, must successfully complete the first year of study in their original program before acceptance into a second program.

ND MACP Dual Degree Course Exemptions

The following table identifies where MACP competencies have been met by course content within the naturopathic medicine program. Courses have been assessed for depth of relevant content when compared to that of the naturopathic medicine program, as well as the number of credits. Students who have successfully completed the naturopathic medicine curriculum courses listed in the first column of this table are exempt and are not required to take the MACP courses listed in the second column of this table.


Naturopathic Medicine Courses MACP Courses
BP6300 Behavioral Medicine Theories and Interventions 1 and
BP6301 Behavioral Medicine Theories and Interventions 2

Provide competencies which match
PS5401 Mind Body Approaches to Health Psychology (3.0 credits)
Summer Quarter Year I
BP5400 Therapeutic Alliance 1 and
BP5401 Therapeutic Alliance 2 and
BP5402 Fundamentals of Behavioral Medicine

Provide competencies which match
PS5402 Fundamentals of Counseling 1: Relationship and Interview (4.5 credits)
Summer Quarter Year I

NM5140 Constitutional Assessment and
NM5141 Naturopathic Theory and Practice 1

Provide competencies which match

PS5102 Biopsychosocial Approaches and Whole Person Healing (4.0 credits)
Fall Quarter Year I

BC5142 Fundamentals of Research Design and
NM7142 Critical Evaluation of the Medical Literature and
SN6100 Integrated Case Studies 4

Provide competencies which match

PS6103 Research Methods and Program Evaluation (4.5 credits)
Winter Quarter Year II

NM5820 Clinic Observation 1

Provide competencies which match

PS5800 Clinic Preparation (0.5 credits)
Winter Quarter Year I


ND AEAM Dual Degree Course Exemptions

Students who have graduated from the naturopathic medicine program within the last three years will be considered exempt and will not have to take a list of specific courses in the MAc or MAcCHM program. For those who have earned their doctoral degree prior to that time, an individual applicant review will be completed.
The following table identifies where MAc or MAcCHM competencies have been met by course content within the naturopathic medicine program. Courses have been assessed for depth of content when compared to that of the naturopathic medicine program, as well as the number of credits. Students who have successfully completed the naturopathic medicine curriculum courses listed in the first column of this table are exempt and are not required to take the MAc or MAcCHM courses listed in the second column of this table.

Naturopathic Medicine Courses AEAM Courses

BC5122 thru BC5124L Gross Anatomy Lab 1 -3 (3.0 credits)

BC4102 AOM Living Anatomy (4 credits)
BC5170 thru BC5177(47.5 credits)
Integrated System Module Series
BC4107 Medical Terminology (1 credit)
BC5170 thru BC5177 (47.5credits)
Integrated System Module Series
AM4100 Survey of Organic and Biochemistry (4 credits)
BC5170 thru BC5177(47.5credits)
Integrated System Module Series
BC4123 Anatomy and Physiology 1 Lecture/Lab (5 credits)
BC5170 thru BC5177(47.5credits)
Integrated System Module Series
BC4124 Anatomy and Physiology 2 Lecture/Lab (4 credits)
BC5170 thru BC5177(47.5credits)
Integrated System Module Series
BC4104 Microbiology (AOM) (3 credits)
BC5170 thru BC5177(47.5credits)
Integrated System Module Series
BC4105 Introduction to Western Pathology (3 credits)
BO7400,7306, 7307 (2.5 credits) CH6101 Chinese Herbal Preparations (1 credit)
BP5400-01Therapeutic Alliance 1 and 2 (2.0 credits) and
BP6300-01Behavioral Medicine Theories and Interventions 1-2 (4.5 credits)
PS5205 Patient Communications (3 credits)
BP5400-01Therapeutic Alliance 1 and 2 (2.0 credits) and

BP6300-01Behavioral Medicine Theories and Interventions 1-2 (4.5 credits)

PS6100 Motivational Interviewing (3 credits) 
NM7332-35, NM8301 Clinical Pharmacology 1 - 5 (2.5 credits) AM6102 Pharmacology Overview for AOM (4 credits)
NM6310-12 Naturopathic Clinical Diagnosis 1 - 3 (12.0 credits) and
NM6315-17 Physical Exam Diagnosis 1 -3 (3.0 credits)

AM5300 Survey of Western Clinical Sciences 1 (3 credits)

AM6301 Survey of Western Clinical Sciences 2 (3 credits)

NM6310-12 Naturopathic Clinical Diagnosis 1 - 3 (12.0 credits) and
NM6315-17 Physical Exam Diagnosis 1 -3 (3.0 credits)
AM6302 Survey of Western Clinical Sciences 3 (3 credits)
NM 6320-2 Clinical Diagnosis Lab 1, 2, and 3 (3 credits)
AM8200 Clinical Diagnosis 2 -Lab (1.5 credits)
NM 6325 Fundamentals of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging (2 credits)
AM7202 Clinical Diagnosis 1 - Imaging   
NM6810 Clinic Observation 2 (2.0 credit) AM6201 Clinical Preparation Lab  (1 credit)
NM6303-04 Nutrition Principles 1 and 2 (5.5 credits) and
NM7403-06; NM8411 Diet and Nutrient Therapy 1 -5 (6.5 credits)
TR6104 Nutrition and Dietary Systems (2 credits)
BC5142 Fundamentals of Research Design (2.0 credits) and
NM7142 Critical Evaluation of Literature (2.0 credits)
BC5140 Research Methods in AOM (3 credits)
NM8105-06 Advanced Business Practices 1 and 2 (2.5 credits) AM7101 Business Fundamentals 1 Finance and Accounting (1 credit)
NM8105-06 Advanced Business Practices 1 and 2 (2.5 credits) AM7104 Business Fundamentals 2 Marketing and Advertising (1 credit)
NM8105-06 Advanced Business Practices 1 and 2 (2.5 credits) AM7106 Business Fundamentals 3 Practice Management and Leadership (1 credit)
M8815-7 Grand Rounds 1-3  AM8103 Survey of Integrative Medicine (3 credits)

BC6107-BC6109 Integrated Pathology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases (1-3)

BP7300 Naturopathic Approaches to Additions (2 credits)

NM8316 Advanced Topics in Public Health (1 credit)

AM6311 Public Health Issues in AEAM (3 credits)
NM6820 Clinical Assessment, NM6810 Clinical Observation (2 credits) AM4801 Course work is waived, clinic tour is required prior to first shift


ND MPH Dual Degree Course Exemptions

Naturopathic Medicine Courses                                                                           MPH Courses

BC6107, BC6108, BC6109 Concepts are introduced in the naturopathic medicine curriculum in Integrated Pathology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases 1, 2 and 3 

PH5111 Biological Determinants in Public Health (3 credits)
Successful completion of a biological determinants review module and competency exam are required by professional accreditor.