Academic Dismissal

Dismissal for Academic Deficiencies or Policy Violations

Each school at Bastyr University has a Student Progress Committee that follows University dismissal policy. Recommendations for dismissal are submitted to the provost for consideration. The provost makes all decisions regarding student dismissal. Except in the case of academic dishonesty (see policy for more information), failure to comply with University felony conviction disclosure requirements (see policy for more information) or a student’s failure to adhere to instructions, procedures and/or professional expectations that may lead to the compromised safety of a patient, student, or staff or faculty member, academic dismissal for reasons listed in the following paragraph must be preceded by at least one written warning from the school/department notifying the student of the problem area(s) and providing an adequate time period for response and/or improvement before taking further action. Academic probation is one such warning.

In the event the terms of the written warning are not met and a recommendation for dismissal is being considered by the school/department, the student will be required to meet with the dean of students.

A student may be dismissed from Bastyr University under the following circumstances:

  • After the second consecutive quarter on probation (including summer if enrolled)
  • After the third quarter on probation (including summer, if enrolled); the quarters need not be consecutive
  • Failing to fulfill the conditions of the academic improvement plan for remediation or academic probation
  • Failing the same class twice
  • Failing two clinic shifts
  • Receiving three failures in the same quarter
  • Having a history of poor academic performance relevant to the appropriate department
  • Violating University Academic Honesty Policy
  • Failing to comply with University felony conviction disclosure requirements
  • Being removed from a course or clinic shift due to student’s failure to adhere to instructions/procedures/professional expectations that may lead to the compromised safety of a patient, student, or staff or faculty member

Additional rationale for dismissal of Midwifery and Maternal Child Health Systems students

The department chair or the Student Progress Committee may also recommend dismissal when a midwifery or MCHS student:

  • fails to comply with conditions of probation.
  • does not demonstrate the capacity to complete their program successfully.
  • fails to satisfactorily complete two or more didactic and/or clinical courses with a grade of 80 percent (B- or 2.7 GPA) or better. 
  • fails to satisfactorily complete the same course with a grade of 80 percent (B- or 2.7 GPA) or better after retaking the entire course.
  • uses behavior that disrupts classroom learning and hampers the educational process of the department or University.
  • fails to comply with University and/department requirements, rules and policies.
  • violates the University’s  Academic Honesty Policy (p. 5), including committing fraud when reporting clinical documentation.
  • for midwifery students, withdraws from a clinical site without prior appropriate arrangements coordinated with the preceptor and the clinical education supervisor.
  • for midwifery students, does not demonstrate the ability to competently practice as a midwife.
  • for midwifery students, fails to achieve adequate evaluations in Practicum and/or failure of significant percentage or portions of Advanced Clinical Exams. (See Practicum Handbook for details.)
  • for midwifery students, fails to pass any portion of the Advanced Clinical Exam after three attempts.
  • for midwifery students, fails to pass any portion of the Comprehensive Written Exam after three attempts, as described in the Midwifery Handbook.
  • for midwifery students, is unable to act in the role of a direct entry-level midwife, as determined by the Student Progress Committee, based on clinical evaluations.

The provost or their designee will send the student notice of academic dismissal by email to the student’s University email address and via certified U.S. mail, requiring confirmation of receipt, to the student’s local mailing address. Except in the case of dismissal for academic dishonesty, failure to comply with University felony conviction disclosure requirements or behavior that compromises the safety of a patient, student, or staff or faculty member (for which notices may be sent any time during the academic year), notices will be sent no later than close of business on the Friday of the second week of the quarter. The date of the postmark on the envelope and the date stamp of the email serve as the date of notice.

A notice of dismissal should contain the following information:

  • A statement of the decision to dismiss the student from their academic program
  • The reason(s) for dismissal
  • The student’s right to appeal the decision

Student status after notice of dismissal

Unless a student elects to appeal their dismissal, they will be dropped from all classes for which they are registered at the time of dismissal. If a student elects to appeal their dismissal, the dean or dean’s designee will determine if the student will be allowed to register for classes or continue other activities during the appeal process. Students are advised to consult with the registrar and financial aid office regarding the timing of their dismissal appeal and its implications on class registration refund and student aid policies.

Appeal of Dismissal

A student may appeal a decision for dismissal only if they are able to provide specific evidence demonstrating a factual error in the dismissal decision process. The written appeal must be made to the provost within five (5) working days of the date of the dismissal notice. The appeal must specify and include the alleged documented inaccuracy and the relevance of the fact(s). The provost will respond within 10 working days of receipt of the appeal and can only consider an appeal based on an error of fact. The decision of the provost is final and cannot be appealed.