Career and Alumni Services

The Career Services and Alumni Services Office has two functions: 1. Providing career and professional development support for students and alumni, and 2. Managing the benefits, resources and engagement opportunities for alumni.

Career Services is a resource for both students and alumni, providing a variety of services and resources to help them reach their career goals. This includes one-on-one career coaching, workshops and resources on career development topics such as resume writing, interviewing skills, job searching, networking, and more, events featuring guest speakers and alumni, networking events, and Bastyr Careers, a job board for students and alumni that provides access to over 1,000 employers and hundreds of active job postings each academic year. In addition to job search
support, Career Services also provides support for students with entrepreneurial goals with relevant educational events and resources for establishing and growing a practice or business.

Bastyr is committed to supporting its graduates and helping them stay engaged with the University and fellow alumni. The Alumni Services Office offers a number of resources and benefits specifically for alumni: continued access to Career Services including alumni-specific events, a practitioner search tool to market alumni businesses/practices, continued borrowing privileges through the Bastyr Library with access to select library services and resources, an alumni tuition benefit, networking and social opportunities, and discounts on Bastyr’s continuing education and campus space rentals.