Core Themes

As a regionally accredited university, Bastyr engages in on-going self-assessment of its programs, student success, faculty, staff, physical capacity, long-term planning and resources. That process involves the development of core themes and goals that are used to characterize the University’s priorities and provide the framework for continuous improvement and mission fulfillment. The University’s core themes and goals are the following:

Core Theme One: Education

  • Goals: The University offers rigorous and relevant teaching practices in support of the promotion of innovative ideas, student learning and educational success.

Core Theme 2: Care

  • Goals: The University promotes positive health outcomes through natural sciences, healing and service that improve the quality of life for patients and communities. Bastyr University strives to attract and support talented individuals committed to promoting a healthy world.

These two core themes align with the Bastyr University mission statement: “We educate future leaders in the natural health arts and sciences. Respecting the healing power of nature, and recognizing that body, mind and spirit are intrinsically inseparable, we model an integrated approach to education, research and clinical service.” Education constitutes the foundational action upon which Bastyr University stands, and Care describes the ethos of the University and its approach to achieve mission fulfillment within the human community.