
All candidates for admission who have been accepted into a program at Bastyr University are required to pay a nonrefundable deposit ($300 for all graduate/professional degree programs, including the articulated BS/MS program; $200 for all other degree programs, including post-baccalaureate and certificate programs; $100 for dual degree current students) to hold a place in the entering class. The deposit is credited toward the student’s first quarter tuition (summer excluded). Applicants should be aware that the University may, without notice and at the discretion of the admissions committee, offer to another student the place of any applicant whose deposit has not been submitted within the specified time.  Additionally, scholarships may be rescinded for those students who have failed to submit their deposit within the specified time. 

Accepted students who wish to take a summer course (a prerequisite, required programmatic course, or elective), must pay a separate $100 nonrefundable deposit to hold their place in the summer class. This summer quarter deposit is credited toward the student’s summer tuition. Continuing students are not required to pay a deposit for summer courses.